

Alphonis Kafel, A Girl With A Dark Secret. Chapter Seven: The Universe's Secrets.
Once the October full moon rose and the flashing stars settled in the cloudless cold sky, I waited once again for my grandma's light snoring before I got up. I snuck out of the noisy door then rushed up the hill. My other side is getting restless from the break so I figured tonight be a "normal" night. "For once..." my other side said before I asked, "What?" "You used our instincts." she replied. "Ohh kay..." I said as I undressed. "Okay, my amulet is going to carry out this conversation that I have procrastinated for so long." she explained before I began to change. My body burned worse than the first time but my transformation is much quicker this time. I went over the clouds in my other form in under five minutes. "Soo, you were saying?" I asked but I was confused to why my voice sounded like hers, wise and dark. "Ohh this is worse than I thought... maybe my host should've listened." the amulet said with a sigh. "Yeah well I needed the results and learning experiance." my other side argued. "Uh huh, just possess a pregnate homo sapien then morph your DNA with the homo sapien baby for a mission..." the amulet said before I yelled, "Okay, what?! Mission..." "Yes, she decided to sneak onto your planet then randomly chose a pregnate human mother to possess then she mingled her DNA with yours to see what Earth's new future might be." it replied. "Wow! That's just cteepy... and cool but what are you guys? And why possess a human, what other beings are there and why not investigate them?" I asked. "Yup a zillion questions, well lets just start with the basic." it said as I looked around then went towards a large thunderstorm cell. "First anwser is to what we are, just don't do that "fainting thing" you see on tv. My host, Alphonis is the being that created all life you do know and more that you don't." it continued. "What like God untold? God's an alien and female?" I asked while my wings lightly faltered in the harsh winds. "I guess but she didn't create the universe... she kind of is the universe. I mean that the universe is her veins, so there are actually thousands of universes." it said as I quickly shook my head then asked, "So the universe possessed me? Woow what a hobby... well are you gonna show yourself to all humans? So they rewrite the beginning of time and learn about the truth?" I asked patiently but my mind is racing with questions. "Yes, when the time is right, humans are not easy to pursuade out of their beliefs and what they thought was the anwser for thousands of years. They will think she's Satan at first but with enough teaching and the creation of the most advanced technologies, they will see that she's not God or Satan. "Yup. Pretty much, but I hate scientists and doctors so don't expect me to show myself any time soon. Humans want to dissect everything odd or new to them soo..." My other side said. "Okay, yeah that sounds like a nightmare... so you being the universe... how are you IN yourself?" I asked with a shudder. "It's called an inner form or what I created to protect myself on the inside. My real form sleeps for over thirty thousand years while my inner wakes for over seventy thousand years because time goes way faster here than there. When my inner form sleeps my outer wakes until over fourty thousand years pass there. It's called the solstace in english." she explained while I landed on a large hill and examined different parts of our body. "So your body is the most advanced right?" I asked as I felt my twenty hearts beating fastly in different parts of our body. "Yup. There are many beings with advanced bodies but those with similar elements inside them have the most advanced parts." she said. "Are you the first of your kind or are there more?" I asked as I went to hunt for food. "I'm the second... my mother was the first, she died when I opened my eyes. My father is to blame but he's not a problem anymore." she said with a growl and I felt the core pulse harder then calmed. "Oh sorry, umm... Where do you live? What's beyond your outer form's body?" I asked. "The Black World, or a world that has begun all life with what you call dark matter and three other elements. I turned a large part of it into The Outer World for my own territory so it doesn't look so dark now and I created an army out of elements to protect myself while I'm in solstace." she explained. "Why are you anwsering all of this now?" I asked as I stalked a large deer pack. "Because your body is morphing with mine and you might be able to use the amulet's power of knowledge and see all my memories. You are ready to be the first on this planet to know." she said as I stared hard at the deer and gulped. "Soo, I want to ask more but I might be able to figure all of it out by the amulet's power soon?" I asked. "Yes it is most likely..." the amulet anwsered. I was about to charge but my amulet said, "Wait, it's time to do something a bit different." "What?" I asked before we were teleported.

© Alphonis Kafel