

Not Alone
Just because we feel lonely doesn't mean we're alone in feeling so. It's perfectly fine to feel you're alone and more importantly it's normal.

The worst feeling to date and it feels like total silence in the middle of the night at its loudest.

Being alone and being lonely are two different things and when they are mixed together with confusion, the pain of loneliness heightens so strong to the point that we don't know what our next steps should be.

How do we remove the pain of loneliness when we're standing in the midst of a crowd?

First, we must recognize that we will always have ourselves and if being alone with ourselves is a problem then, we are the problem.

Secondly, if we can't be happy in our own presence alone - we will never be happy standing in the midst of a crowd.

Third, no one but ourselves controls whether we feel alone and/or are alone and/or we stay alone.

We control our loneliness and how deep our petty party goes, and we have no answers because we seek none.

It's up to us to seek out our purpose in life and fulfill its journey. Without purpose we all are alone and lonely.

Purpose brings life and life fulfillment with purpose will leave no room for loneliness or for being alone other than to sleep and even then…

© V's Says