

The orphan:3
When the driver drove off as he arrived at the school compound he got off and ren in class where Ishkya was arleady there teaching
Ananya:Why are you late?
Raj:(holding his ear ends)I am really sorry madam I won't repeat again.
Ananya:Now go and sit
As he was going to sit there was Ishan sitting on his chair.When he went to sit beside Ishan
Ananya:Now who can tell me what a temple is?
When Ishan alone raised her arm
Ananya:(smillingly)Mmmmmh!Ishan tell us
Ishan:(standing)It is a house where a very handsome man known as Buddha lives
When every student in class began laughing even Raj
Ishan:(to Raj)What are you laughing is it funny?
When the bell for break rung
Ananya:Well our session ends here.Ishan you come here
When she took her by hand and took her outside
Ananya:Hey!didn't I tell you to stay still?
Ishan:But I was only trying to answer a question
Ananya:Okay then you have to go back home now I will call Veejay to come and pick you up
Ishan was walking around the school when she noticed someone sitting on the ground groaning
Ishan:Hey!are you okay?What happened?
Bumika:I was from the library when I was coming down the stairs I Sprint my ankle
Ishan:Really sorry.Is there anything I can help you with?
Bumika:I only wanted to go to the playground can you help me with that?
Ishan:(squatting)Sure get on my back
As they were walking towards the playground
Bumika:Are you a new student here?
Ishan:Not a student actually I only came to escort my aunt
Bumika:Who's your aunt?
Bumika:Do you mean the English teacher?
As they arrived at the playground he dropped her on a bench when she heard someone calling her as she turned to see it was Veejay
Ishan:I think I have to go my brother's here for me
Bumika:(smillingly)Thank you
When Ishan headed towards towards Veejays direction
Ishan:Did Ananya ask you to come for me?
When they boardered a rickshaw and headed back to the orphanage where they saw Dayavanti waiting for them
Ishan:Good morning Ms.Dayavanti
Dayavanti:Good morning you come with me
Ishan:(pointing to himself)You mean me?
Dayavanti:Yes follow me
When they arrived at her office there was Shivay sitting on the chair
Dayavanti:Ishan say hello to Mr.Shivay
Ishan:(putting her hands together)Greetings
Shivay:(doing the same)Greetings
Dayavanti:Now Ishan Mr.Shivay wants to adopt you as his son.
Ishan:(suprised)You mean........
Dayavanti:I know it's a bit difficult but please try to understand
Ishan:Did aunty Ananya agree with this?
Dayavanti:(nodding)Yes she did
Ishan:Fine I will go
When they helped her pack her luggages
Ishan:(toVeejay)Goodbye bro!