

The way of a poet.
A poet is a writer who creates poetry. Poets may describe themselves in the same order or be described as such by others. But for me Poetry of a Poet is worth praising because from ages ago poetry plays the role of luminary in a specific sphere. Still today poetry with its expressive format, can be regarded as the leading light of the society. Poetry is just not about writing, it's the unremitting method of putting the feelings together to create a real or imaginary world. Writing a poetry is alike to painting in canvas with all the imagination that keeps on flowing from one corners of brain to other. To pursue the inquiry for the realationship between poetry and art,proof simply lies in the comparative mode. We all are predictable to the saying, “A pictures paints thousands of words and a beautiful story” trying to persuade a complex idea which can be more effectively demonstrated by a single image, that image being able to convey or portray the meaning more essentially than a description.

As a beginner, I didn't need to worry too much about style or get caught up trying to perfect a format but to choose one and learn the basic rule was important. As a newbie poet, I started writing from standard Seventh. In that case, I was much helped by English teacher and the various articles, patterns and symmetries of word in a poem. This is how the craze of reading and writing went on and on. My first Poem was entitled as ‘My Mother’ published in my School Magazine.

Schedule of my writing.

I have a great desire to have a time schedule for composing my poetry but off late I realise that my poetry is basically of Wordsworthian style and for that I don't need a time bound. I basically love the Wordsworthian way of poetry that generalises the idea of spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions; for me, I internalised the fact too sternly. The best way possible for a poet is to sit in the couch in a spellbounded evening with a cup of tea/coffee, to write his imagination. I often fit myself putting down my words in diary in evening time- there's something called deep evening and tranquility. Leonard Norman Cohen, a Canadian singer, songwriter,and a poet; once said, “ A writer is like a daily wage worker- you go to work everyday, but don't aware if you'd get the true recognition and acceptance from society. We never give the post of a poet the same respect that we give to our doctors; but that's the sick mentality of the society that look down his profession. Such distinguish made a writer feel unhappy and even I do feel that sometimes in the eagerness to achieve recognition in society.

Writing:- A part of enthusiasm or exhaustion.

On a serious note, writing is an integral part of my life that creates my sole hobby. Writing poetry or any kind of writing involves both a part of enthusiasm and exhaustion. Writing (specifically poetry) is an engrossing matter for me, so it's definitely a dream like journey that requires safe driving and proper reach to the destination with patience. In order to articulate various matters- like the beauty of spring, the beautiful sunset or the captivating evening, and the camera cannot capture what we see. The picture is set in the mind and overflow with pen in the pages; accuracy in feelings. Such imagination and deep creativity is always energetic and tiring too. The inconvenience and intolerance in the world is also adding fuel to the exhaustion. So basically after a long process of hardwork comprising of excitement, passion, enthusiasm, exhaustion and imagination, the final product of a poetry is somehow a feeling worth sharing. Sometimes it also feels bad when people are not ready enough to read even the tilte if your poem; in such moments a remark saying "good poetry dear" is what every poet wants, helping himself to take no notice of the exhaustion.

Generalising my inspiration for writing.

Reading books is always a sempiternal source that inspired me to write my poetry, more and more everyday. With the passing time, I realise that I'm capable to play with the words correctly, hence stared writing poems with four lines. Trust me, these four lines poetry is a magical entity that highlights a deep analysis of a perfect moral. These four lines poetry are known as quatrain or haiku. I've also learnt the fact not to throw away the little poems written in handbooks, because these lines might serve to create a massive poetry in future. Furthermore, if you are sincere enough to your thoughts for crafting a poetry then be confident and don't lower down your spirit by the unsought advice of the literary scholars around you. If you write poetry as an outlet for your feelings and purely for yourself, that’s great. But sometimes it's better to get ambitions for your writing to be in front of other people, or possibly into print.

“As long as I have been able to write, I desire to be a writer. The longing to become a poet doesn't create books alone; but it encloses the entire society in the pen of the writer's imaginative and real world”.

© Parthiv Rhythm Das