

Serene Town

The next morning when I woke Sam had gone out early gotten gas for the car. I really didn't know what to do it was weird I had gas but I was in no hurry to leave.
There I felt calm, relaxed at peace but to them I was an outsider an intruder.
Sam was apprehensive weather I would keep their secret but he didn't say anything about it and I could feel his worry.
Where was Diaya?
I didn't ask but I wanted to say goodbye. We put the gas in the car,
thank you Sam hey tell Diaya that I said thanks and goodbye. I left there with a strange feeling but I didn't look back. Several weeks had pass,
at work I noticed Sam on his delivery on the invoice on my desk on a sticky note was written..
You're welcome
I saw her face as if she was standing in front of me which didn't leave my mind all day.
I had regrets but I didn't want to invade on a secret that I had no idea about. I had a meeting to be to in Mason which passes that area and found myself looking for another glimpse of her.
I spent two day in Mason hoping that I would see her ghost just one more time. As I got well into my drive home there at that old bridge her ghost I wanted to stop but would I be right
to stop? I slowed down as I passed her there was no expression on her face and her eyes begged me to keep going.
There out in the middle of nowhere a woman that is rarely seen and there's nothing that I could do about it,
but it isn't nowhere is it. Days after and those eyes still beat on my mind like crazy. I couldn't shake the thought of how gentle and different she was from anybody I had ever known.
My mind raced with flashes of her walking, talking, just standing still how lady like she is.
I went back looking for that old bridge but it wasn't there. I can't believe that I couldn't remember where it or I was.
Trees and dead bushes was all I saw no bridge no built road just woods. A thought crossed my mind, I could just follow Sam...
After looking for a while I decided to just let things be that maybe it wasn't meant to be.
Weeks went by me going back and forth to Mason not one sign of anything it isn't a dream I know that down that road somewhere I'll find my way back to her.
My days were empty my thoughts were only of her and that old bridge. I know that I could just walk away from everything in my life for a life like that a life with her.
The next week on my drive to Mason I spotted Sam's truck ahead of me, I stayed behind to see where he would turn off so that I could follow.
When I slowed down he slowed down it was almost as if he wanted me to follow him did he know my feelings or were they hers.
Farther down the road into the drive Sam's truck pulled beside the road and stopped he got out of his truck and pushed open the big trees and bushes. 'you got to be kidding me!
Brilliant I thought, the big trees swung inside over the river that ran through it. There was that old bridge I knew I wasn't crazy. There fastened to the front of a tall gate fake trees and bushes.
Sam looked back at me as to say, come in.
I had an invitation, I'm now trusted with a secret almost too secret to believe. We both drove in waited until Sam closed the gate, from the inside you can see the gate but from the outside only trees and bushes.
There wasn't anybody in sight and my mind was sat on seeing her but did she want to see me. All this time I was just going on my feelings never giving a thought to how she might be feeling.
Wow, talk about assumptions. What I do know is if she wants to see me she will but first I had to stop assuming that her feelings are the same as mine.
I promised myself not to do that anymore because I know that just because you like someone and they have acknowledged your attraction for them doesn't mean they like you.
Yes there is an attraction but I had no way of knowing her way of thinking I just assumed.
We drove in Sam parked his truck and he went into his cabin without a word to me.
I wasn't supposed to be there it was the end of the week I was on my way to a meeting and what I didn't show up tomorrow?
I needed to leave I had a meeting to go to
Friday, but what if me leaving killed any chance for another invitation like this?
I went in my cabin there out of my window across that big river Diaya but how did she get across? She stood there dressed in a thin flowing white dress with pink ribbons a ghost if I ever saw one. Children gathered and sat on the river bank. I watched as she sat down and opened a book to read. I left my cabin to follow kids to her. She looked up from her pages at me with still no expression no smile nothing. Her fingers trembled as she turned the pages every once in a glance up as if to say 'you're still her.
I had to go and I wanted to explain why, I didn't want her to assume something that wasn't true.
I just stood there listening to the innocence in her voice to the way her voice cracked as she felt her way through the story.
As I looked I noticed that was no ordinary book more like a tablet her hand written stories.
I would move slowly from place to place as her eyes would now and again catch mine. I heard her words as she read but I had no idea what the story was about. Some time later the children got up and started to leave she stood there with her head down not saying anything.
I started towards her as she move bare foot towards a path down some trees leading back into the town.
I have to leave, I said
I have a meeting that I have to be to in the morning. I want explain because I want to come back if I'm welcomed.
She didn't say anything she didn't even look up we walked slowly back to the cabins I got in my car and drove to that big gate opened it closed it back and drove away.

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