

New Year(Happy New Year) Perspective
I'm starting to wonder
Was it all worth it
To Change?.

All of this noise is overwhelming just to let out the pain of yesterday just to achieve the different you in each year but do the life itself change? When you cannot even change who you are.

There's a lot of misunderstanding about this qoute "New Year,New Me".

Cause what's the new in your life that will someday will be another new?once 2024 is over?maybe the life you believe can be something you held right now but there's no change if you can't act the change of your own imagination of this magical year that someday will just flow like an memory.

This year can all just be all there's no change tomorrow but it's up to you to change it that's why it's had your hands as others said and with the others who held you before you achieve this present but you cannot think what you cannot achieve, on what you can do right now.
Because here you do is what matters to it's tomorrow.

Don't be so positive if you cannot reach that standard that will someday can drown you but always remember your actions matter and maybe not you but that's why we have government to pay taxes for without us this life cannot continue the way it's rotate.

© Bubblelife2006