

The gift of love
In a village far away there lived a young kind prince who was being groomed to be the best ever, he Thato was never around other people except for his family. He never went out as he was home schooled and had everything done for him around his big house. His family house was in the villages big yard but far away from the community or villagers as he had a big yard and space to be comfortable and play around. For him he never dreamt of a better life he was satisfied being the only child and his parents gave him all the love.

On the other hand there was a brave, intelligent, quiet, shy some kind of city girl. She never dreamt of anything concerning guys, she was a real hard to get. Her only problem was her beauty and the people who wanted to kill her for her talents, positions and brains as she was too clever for her own good. She just wanted to make her parents proud and rejoice in love and happiness. The problem started when her closest family members were involved in the murder plot, they wanted to take everything away from her family and she was the biggest loose end to their plans.

One cold night her uncle hired a handsome, trusted family body guard to try and kill her. Anna didn't suspect anything especially from him. He took her in her car and they were just out for some fresh air as she like some peace and quiet of her own around different places not knowing the person taking her is planning some other things. He was keeping contact with the masterminds all the time on their journey and they were keeping track of their every move with a helicopter. As they got out of the car it was time for him to make his move, the car had an accident and broke down and it seemed unfixable and there was no other way of of going home. As he was to take his shot the rain started pouring heavily and his plans have failed and his people lost track of them.

There was no place to go for shelter as they were far away from the village...