

The gift of love
In a village far away there lived a young kind prince who was being groomed to be the best ever, he Thato was never around other people except for his family. He never went out as he was home schooled and had everything done for him around his big house. His family house was in the villages big yard but far away from the community or villagers as he had a big yard and space to be comfortable and play around. For him he never dreamt of a better life he was satisfied being the only child and his parents gave him all the love.

On the other hand there was a brave, intelligent, quiet, shy some kind of city girl. She never dreamt of anything concerning guys, she was a real hard to get. Her only problem was her beauty and the people who wanted to kill her for her talents, positions and brains as she was too clever for her own good. She just wanted to make her parents proud and rejoice in love and happiness. The problem started when her closest family members were involved in the murder plot, they wanted to take everything away from her family and she was the biggest loose end to their plans.

One cold night her uncle hired a handsome, trusted family body guard to try and kill her. Anna didn't suspect anything especially from him. He took her in her car and they were just out for some fresh air as she like some peace and quiet of her own around different places not knowing the person taking her is planning some other things. He was keeping contact with the masterminds all the time on their journey and they were keeping track of their every move with a helicopter. As they got out of the car it was time for him to make his move, the car had an accident and broke down and it seemed unfixable and there was no other way of of going home. As he was to take his shot the rain started pouring heavily and his plans have failed and his people lost track of them.

There was no place to go for shelter as they were far away from the village and they were soaking wet. Only for them to realise a beautiful house near them with big walls around and they couldn't even see the gates. As Anna looked around she found an entrance to this amazing unique place and they ran inside in doubt whether they were going to find help. Luckily for them they were welcomed with open arms after all that what the Royals do keep everyone safe and cared for but their guests didn't know this was the royal home as they had no pride and any sign of this. They seemed to like the young girl so they treated her well gave her everything even a room inside the house and clothes and everything. Her room was right in front of Thato's and for the first time he saw her passing by he was so amazed by her. He just felt an unusual feeling which was love and could just talk to her but she seemed scary, also it would be his first time talking to a girl especially of his age he only has his parents remember.

He set there in front of his door watching this beauty and by that time Anna was changing her wet clothes and didn't notice anyone in the other room. As soon as she was done she opened her door and her eyes met this handsome boy in front of her room and he was just sitting and starring, he came closer and they introduced themselves. The boy was falling deeper in love with everything word being said. He even asked to touch her hair and face so she was surprised so she asked if he had never met anyone beside staying hear with his parents and he told her he never leaves the house or get any visitors. She was shocked at the moment but got impressed by him as they spent time together and got to know each other better. Time went on still stuck as they couldn't make contact with Ann's family and Jack the body guard still trying to fix her car so they can go back home. As time went on Thato's feelings for Anna kept growing none stop and she was also falling for him although she didn't want to admit it but it was true. Jack grew jealous of their friendship and came to realise what really stopped him from killing Anna was the feelings he had for her and he came to hate Thato for this reason.

One afternoon Thato couldn't keep his feelings in he wanted to tell Anna how he felt but as I said Anna was a scary hard to get you couldn't just walk up to her and confess your feelings for her, you would really be in trouble for even trying. Everytime he saw her he just smiled but got nervous more and more. Jack came and knocked in Anna's room and they were both in it just playing games and he wanted a charger, Anna looked for it but couldn't find hers so she said he should borrow it from Thato. Jack answered, "Don't bother just tell me when you have found yours I won't ask that fool, I will not," and he left to his room. Anna realised she had to ask him herself for the charger and he said she should look for it in his room as he was still trying to tidy her room So she went to look for it and he just watching her looking going up and down his room and finally came to help her. He didn't want to be to close to her as he knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself , he would end up kissing her maybe as she made his heart jump out of love. They found it under the bed and they saw it at the same time so as they both tried to reach it their hands touched and the prince felt his heart beating faster and couldn't hold back his feelings, during that moment he held her closer and tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away. She got up and ran outside, he was so hurt that he couldn't just let this feeling go and he almost forced himself on her and seeing how sad and frustrated she was broke his heart, he couldn't bare seeing her hurt. What is worse was that he was blaming himself while Anna was not angry at him but herself for feeling the same way that Thato was feeling, she was also in love with him but didn't want to give in to this feeling she saw herself as not good enough for him although she didn't know he was a prince but she things she will never be good enough for anyone.

Anna ran to the home garage where her car was and set there staring at it and the sky trying to calm herself down and get rid of any feelings in her heart. Thato tried to give her space but got worried more and more about her and decided to follow her out and find where she was, maybe she was cold outside because of him. He got out and found her in her car in the cold night still looking sad and he started a fire in the garage hoping she would join him to warm herself up but she didn't so he decided to to go to her and apologize and ask her to come join him around the fire so they could talk so she did that. She set with him and they watched the stars and pictures around the closed garage walls and laughed together. Finally the prince, Thato confessed his feelings to her, they held each other close, looked in each other's eyes and hugged but to show that she also felt the same way she slowly pulled him closer, she could feel his heart bit and on that moment while gazing on each others eyes they slowly kissed and admitted their love for each other. Thato took a decision that he would go with Anna to her hometown and study like other kids and they would be together forever through thick and thin. They were both able to solve Anna's problems with the Jack's help and put the people who wanted her dead behind bars. Jack continued being their friend and they were able to get back home to Anna's hometown. Thato was still the Greenville prince with his princess Anna by her side but still could live his life be a child like everyone, pursuit his dreams and be educated for the future of their people. They learnt to be the change they want to see in others and always remember that true love exists and conquers all. They had the true gift of love as they continued being best friends and love birds.
© lungy