

Last day .
"Rosa come on get up it's let in the morning just get up" mother called up to me from out side my bedroom and then left for work i was to go to the saloon and after set to school ,as i got out of the bed i picked up my phone and saw ten missed calls from Arias my bff ,i called her and she said she's waiting for me at the bus station and am let i hurried up and in a minute or two to five maybe ten i was done and got out my car from the garage and offset to go meet Alisa ,as i packed my car ,she gestured and me to stay there as she came we went shopping ,went to the saloon ,and ere we could get into the car i got a call that my mother had been in a deadly accident i fainted and as woke up i found my self on the hospital bed and now am at my mother's funnel oh when i woke up i asked dad were mother was he didn't have the carriage to tell me that she was long gone with my well done hair am at my mother's funnel .
_Zaharah Mazzi Golooba