

Believe In Yourself!
Convincing yourself to believe in others can feel like one of the most natural things in the world. You can stand on the sidelines and wave your hands in the air, shouting their name from the top of your lungs with a smile so big you could barely hold it on for any longer. A feeling of pride for them because you know they worked so hard or are simply just a good person who deserves it. But it seems to be difficult sometimes when it comes to ourselves. Why do we do it? Why can we get so stuck inside our own heads when we should be able to scream from the top of our lungs that we deserve it? I ponder this thought sometimes. But lately I thought, you know what? Maybe we should give it a try, because we truly are amazing even if it's hard to see sometimes. Why can't we cheer ourselves on and have faith that we can do whatever we set our minds to? We all deserve this chance. Try to give yourself the chance! Just believe in yourself and your heart and personality will lead the way...
© Aligator
