

Wolves In Love (Part Two)
I kept pacing outside the Operating Room. Principal Weems and Wednesday sat there with worried looks on their faces. "It should have been me." I thought to myself. I punched the wall in anger. "I think you need to sit down." Principal Weems said and offered me her seat. I sat down but immediately got up when I saw Jayden walking towards us. "You've got some nerve to come here." I said as I grabbed him by the collar. "Matthew." Wednesday called."He's not worth it." I looked at her before letting him go."Is she okay?" he asked. "What do you care? You almost killed her!" I said, starting to get really mad. "I know what I did! Why do you think I'm here? I want to apologize. I didn't know she was going to push you away. I'm really sorry." he said. "Sorry doesn't erase the fact that my best friend is in the hospital right now. I think it's time you leave."Wednesday said coldly." "Fine." Jayden answered before he left.

I stayed all night waiting for Enid to wake up. Wednesday and Principal Weems left, leaving me alone. Weems offered to drive us all back,but I refused to leave Enid alone. It was about 11 pm when Enid woke up."Hey. Are you okay?" I asked. The anaesthesia hadn't worn off yet,so
she didn't know what was going on. "What happened?Why am I in the hospital?" she asked groggily.
I wanted to tell her but I couldn't bring myself to do it." Don't worry about that now. Are you feeling okay?"I asked again.
"Yeah," she replied "but my stomach hurts." She lifted the hospital gown and saw the stitches. "Matthew? What happened? Tell me NOW." I had no choice,so I told her about how she got stabbed.

"What?Jayden stabbed me?" she asked confused. "Yeah. He apologized but obviously I'm not going to accept it." "You can't hold a grudge against him. forever. You're gonna have to forgive him sooner or later. He's your best friend." I sighed and told her I'll think about it. When her parents came in,I greeted them,kissed Enid on her forehead and left so she could talk to her parents. Back at Nevermore,I went straight to Wednesday and Enid's dorm to let her know that Enid was awake. She was so happy and wanted to go immediately so she asked Weems to drive her back to the hospital.

After about two weeks,Enid was discharged from the hospital. Wednesday and I didn't leave her side, helping her with almost everything. She got a bit irritated,but anyone could see she was enjoying it. As we were walking to class, Jayden stopped us. "Hey there. I just want to apologize for the whole,you know,stabbing you thing. l'm really sorry." "It's okay,"Enid said. "I forgive you." "Great!" he said and held out his hand to me. "So are we okay now? he asked me. Enid nudged me and whispered to accept his apology. I stared at his hand for a moment before shaking it. "So we're okay?" Jayden asked again. I nodded but didn't say anything. "Are we?" "Yes,you doofus." I said and chuckled. We all laughed and headed to class together.

Since then we'd become the greatest trio in our entire school. A few weeks went by until we found out Jayden and Wednesday were dating. "How did we not find out sooner?" Enid asked. "Well," Jayden started "we kissed at the carnival, one thing led to another and here we are!" "I never took Wednesday Addams as one to be in a relationship,let alone have a boyfriend!" I said."Me neither." she answered."But it turned out to be a very... interesting life experience." We all laughed at how weird it was for Wednesday to have a boyfriend,but accepted her choices. I mean,she was old enough to do what she wanted.

Three weeks went by, and by that time it was Graduation Day. We all said our goodbyes to our other friends and our parents before leaving to start our new lives. We hopped into Jayden's Jeep and drove off to Los Angeles looking for fun, laughter and joy for the rest of our lives.


I hope you enjoyed my story. I am planning to write more stories I just don't have an idea yet. So in the meantime,fill your mind with the other AMAZING stories on this app until I release another story. BYE✌️♥️