

chapter Three
As he was driving home, his arm began to burn. The pain became excrusiating and he found it difficult to drive. He made it home without incident. Going to his front door he noticed the door was cracked. He pulled out his gun and slowly opened the door and cautiously walked in. Looking around, he slowly made it to the kitchen.

"Hello Daniel." He put his gun back into his holster and sighed heavily.

"Jesus, Dad. I could have killed you."

"Wouldn't even bring a tear to your eye.'' Replied his father.

"What are you doing here?''

"Can't I visit my own son for a change?" Daniel looked away, and, rolling his eyes, he sighed.

"You haven't visited me in two years. Why visit now?"

"I can't call you. You never answer my calls."

"Well, that should tell you something then." His father sighed with much disappointment.

"Look, I know you blame me for your mother's death...''

"You're right. I do.'' His father stood up and walked over to his son.

"I did everything I could. I'm sorry I couldn't save her. Let's try and put the past behind us and try to start over.''

"Just get out.''

"I'm sorry son. I really am.'' He said, walking out.

Daniel stood there a moment. Then sat down at the table. Putting his head in his hands, he sighed. Then, there was a knock on the door. He got up to answer it.


"Daniel, I have to talk to you."

"Sure, whats up?"
"I heard what happened at the hospital today. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"What happend to your arm?"

"One of your experiments got a hold of it. "

"It bit you?" He nodded and sighed heavily as he sat down on the sofa.

"You're infected Daniel. I have to take you in."

"What do you mean infected?" She sat down next to him.

"You will change Daniel. "

"Are you saying these things are infectious? And I'll be like one of them? Oh great. How long do I have before I turn, Selene?''

"It's hard to say. The subjects were human. You're a Halfbreed, so it might take longer. Or sooner than expected. It took twenty four to seventy two hours for the subjecs to be affected. For you, since you're half of each, it might take a shorter amount of time." He looked at her with fear.

"Make a guess"

"Maybe twelve hours at the most. Maybe less." He stood up.

"Is there a cure?"


"Damn it.'' He sat back down.

"We still have time. But you'll have to come with me right now." He looked at her, lifting an eyebrow.

"We can create a cure."

"You really think your people can create a cure in twelve hours or less?"

"Sure. I'm positive."

"Fine. But you must promise me something.'' She cocked her head.


"You must promise me if I turn you'll kill me." She starred at him with surprise.

"I don't think I could do that Daniel. "
"If it does. Promise me. Promise me you won't let me live like that." She said nothing. She just starred at him as if she didn't know what to say. He took her by the arms and shook her slightly.

"Promise me!" He repeated, forcefully.

"Okay, okay, I promise." He took a deep breath and let it out in satisfaction.

"Thank you."
"You're going to be alright Daniel." She said, putting her hand on his arm. He pressed his lips together and smiled slightly.

"I hope so. But I trust you. If there's anyone who can find a cure to this, it's you."

© Elizabeth Harris