

My Unknown ‘Twin’
In eagerness, I arrived at the park a little earlier than the agreed time. I sat on the wooden bench and began reading a book, oblivious to the surroundings. The sun was beginning to set and a sudden soft breeze brought along excitement. I was supposed to meet my boyfriend and we planned to have dinner together.
Not many people were there and it was beginning to get dark. I looked up as I thought I heard footsteps approaching me.
“It must be him”, I said to myself. I pushed my hair back and adjusted my dress.
I put on my sweetest smile and watched him coming towards me. I was overjoyed as I saw him smile and stretched out his arms to welcome me. He called out my name. I couldn’t contain my joy and wanted to respond.
“Aa…” but before I could even finish calling him, I saw a woman running into his open arms. He looked so happy and gave her a kiss on the forehead as he would always do when he meets me. He stroked her hair and she touched his face. They looked at each other with love. I stood there dumbfounded and confused.
Who was that woman? What was she doing there? Why did he welcome her? When did all this secret rendezvous begin? Where did she come from? I wanted to burst out and cry with all those questions clogged in my head. I held back my tears. I had to march up to them and confront them. I had to see who she was.
As I was walking towards them, all of a sudden she turned around and they left the place hand in hand. I could see her face clearly. She looked very familiar. I can’t seem to put my finger on it. Where have I seen her before?
To my horror, I wanted to scream. She was the spitting image of me. Who was the real one? She or I? I had no known twin as far as I could recall. I could not fathom the whole situation. I retracted my steps and turned away…

© autumnB