

Abandonment Pt3
Ever since then, I would reminisce about the past.

I thought about the day James took me in when I was just a puppy.
The times when he would give me treats when I was good.
When he would take me out on walks and pat me until I fell asleep beside him.
And also the day ‘Suzie’ entered my life.

After I met her, I wasn’t allowed to sleep beside James anymore and ‘Suzie’ would take my place. It was even weirder when I heard wailing noises one day and suddenly, there was a miniature version of James living with us too! I got even less attention from then on and James often forgot to feed me.

One time, I walked into the room where the miniature James slept. Suddenly, he started crying uncontrollably. James and Suzie rushed into the room. She picked up miniature James and started to rock him in her arms. After that, her eyebrows narrowed as she pointed at me. Then, shouting something to James, a phrase I couldn’t understand, she pushed me out the door.

James left me a week after that incident. Some time ago, while walking in the park, I saw a little creature with beautiful blue wings. I started walking towards it and smiling. “Hello there! Have you by any chance seen James? He is my master.” The creature didn’t say anything. The closer I got to it, the further it would fly away from me. Its tiny wings flapped faster everytime i tried to talk to it.

I don’t know why I did it, but I chased it out of the park. I didn't even notice where I was going, or maybe I didn't care.

I found myself in a familiar place. There were many cars, like the one James drove. My eyes spotted a man, he had thick black hair and had green eyes, he also was wearing a blue shirt. Could it be? Was it...James? I thought to myself. I watched as he opened the door to a restraunt and walked in. I followed him carefully and walked in just before the door closed.

There were many people in the restraunt, all dressed very nicely. I jumped onto a table to get a look at the man who I thought was my master, he had a hairy arm. Oh, thats not James. I sighed to myself. I noticed the people in the cafe stare at me in horror as I leaped onto another table and began eating a half eaten burger on a plate. I couldn't help it, I was malnourished and hungry.

But then I saw a man hovering above me.