

Which eye see further?
Wandering into what may be seen as insanity, but it can be seen as whatever we wish it to be. As we move forward with age, our foresight becomes ever so clairvoyant, as our eyesight dwindles, and both seemly darker than before. What we have created ourself is a playground in which we divided into entropy, fading from the sight of our unity.

I can spend hours looking into the night sky, soaking in the starlight, and imagine what lays beyond the dark sheet behind them. My paracosm crafts the highest heavens and my eyes can't see them. So can my eyes see that far? Or am I better at imagining things.

Why is it that our imagination can draft up a better reality than what we actually live in? Like, the grass is always greener somewhere. I believe this is a good trait, because it means you are progressive. If you're able to see something better that what you have now, then you are willing to put in the work to make it happen. If you're content with what you have currently, then you're living in a stasis. Either way you look at it, it's mind prison.

Existence is prison, nothingness is freedom. No matter how large the universe is, nothingness is infinitely larger. If you were to take everything possible and lay it out, then put aside all the things you can do, that pile would be so incredibly tiny to the rest. That is not freedom. If you were to take all nothingness, and set aside all the things you could do, that pile is 100% of all nothingness. To me, that is ultimate freedom. Freedom is a toggle, not a throttle. Ask yourself if you are free, and if you have to set how free you are, then you are not free. Nothing is free, pure nothingness is freedom. And if death is nothingness, only then will you be free.

Emotions are handcuffs. Regardless to whether you like how you feel or don't, you really can't change how you feel about things, or can you? You definitely can, if you're psychotic. If you're happy, you didn't chose this, your surrounding did. If you're upset, same thing. The binding of emotions prevents your freedom.

During my ex marriage, I used to blame my ex for everything, I still kind of do, but I learned over the years that I was not only imprisoned by her, but the fact that I feared change, and being alone. These emotions held me in this cage for much longer than I hoped for but once I finally let go, I felt like I was free. This feeling of freedom makes it seem like there is a throttle to freedom, but it's just a perspective point. You're free of something, but you're still trapped within existence.

What is beyond the black sheet behind the stars? I can only wonder. Although, I do happen to hold the idea that whatever it is, it's wrapped in a layer of which we are immediately connected to at all times. The mind. The universe is an object, which means it needs a location, and it could only be located within the minds within itself. So the universe is itself. We are the mind that encompasses what we are. If the universe was a concept, or a subject, then it doesn't need a location, but then everything within isn't actually real, and only you imagined it. There is no me, or anyone else, just you.

Why is it that my work day is never as bad as I think it's going to be? Well, in my case, my work is fine, and 10 hour days, 5 days a week seems daunting, but at the end if every day I get home, and everything is fine. When I wake up in the morning, all I hope for is some sort of apocalypse to happen between my snooze triggers. In-between my snoozes, I do have the most whacked dreams, and they happen to only be 5 minutes, but oh my, it seems much longer. These dreams get super detailed. One time I had a dream where my friend was locked in the hospital and wasn't allowed to leave, but he wanted out and couldn't contact anyone, so he taught a crow moarse code, and had the crow deliver the entire beginnings information to me, and I was able to understand the crow and I don't actually know moarse code. I broke into the hospital and we fought out way out and ran from piles of police and various other security, and we hid in a trailer park between bushes and trailers. Then my alarm went off and I'd hit snooze again to delve into a new 5 minute adventure.

Light may travel fast, but the mind can travel faster. Our third eye can see much further when you pry it open.

© Envelope Penelope