

Colorful Chaous Segment 4/5: Scortching Flames
Colorful Chaous Segment: 4/5
"Scorching Flames"

A typical day of depression and misery of being back with Stanley turned into a night my heart will forever keep locked away with the rest of my precious memories.

Stanley had lost his cell phone the night before from being incredibly under the influence as always, and if course blamed me for not keeping track of his belongings. The baby had also been throwing up and puking the night before, so the next morning Stanley and I decided to keep him home from medical daycare. The baby still woke up at the crack of dawn on that rainy morning.

Stanley decided to have us all jump on an early bus just in time for K-Mart to open. Stanley had a plan to go into the electronic section and boost himself a new phone, and while he did it with no hesitation and not a question of suspicion, I was actually surprised that he got me one as well... How considerate of him...

Later that afternoon of spending the morning downtown and trying to update and upgrade our new phones through the free Wi-Fi at the bus station downtown, we both knew it was only a matter of time before we had to be back at the house because Comcast had an appointment to show up at our door to give us a land-line, direct TV, and internet of our own.

That was a main reason why Stanley wanted to make sure he had a cell phone, even if it wasn't his original.

I put the baby down for a nap outsflide in the stroller as Stanley was upstairs helping the Comcast man look for an extension wire.

Our drunk neighbor who I couldn't stand already had multiple problems with me. One day she was nice and sweet and the next day she would do a complete 180 flip and be throwing pumpkins down flights of stairs.

She was across the street waiting for the bus and noticed Stanley and the...