

Chapter twenty-Nine

Nathan's P.O.V

Finally, I've been running for hours I actually feel tired. I finally found there apartment. I rang the doorbell and a woman came and answered it. She look exhausted and tired.

"May I help you?"She asked.
"Did you give birth to a child named Lana?"I asked.
"Yes, I put her in a foster home. Why?"She asked.
"Have you ever regretted it?"I asked.
"No, that little girl was going to grow up as a pain. And I wasn't ready for a child back then and I'm not ready for one now. She probably dead anyway."She said.
"She's not, she's alive and well. And has a good heart."I said.
"Ok and?"She asked.
"Maybe you'd like to see her, she's getting married next week"I said.
"Married? I never got married"She said.
"And your daughter is going to be very successful"I said.
"Who is getting married to?"She asked.
"That would be me"I said.
"No, your too good for her. And you look rich. Are you spoiling her with money?"She asked.
"No I would never do that. I'm sure if I'd offer she'd take and give it to charity. Your daughter has a really kind heart, and I just want her wedding to be perfect."I said.
"Aren't you a little too young to be getting married"She said.
"No"I said.
"How old are you?"She asked.
"I'm not answering that question"I said.
"Okay then"She said.
"May I come in?"I asked

Lana's P.O.V

Where is he? I sighted. Maybe I'm worrying too much I mean he's a vampire nothing can hurt him, except for a wooden steak. But he can defend himself..... even if he almost died last time.... but he can kill someone in a second. Everything is going to be fine.... I'm just really worried. I don't like not knowing where he is.

Someone knocked on my door.

"Um....Come in"I said.

Just be calm.

The person walked in, it was Mrs.Jensen.

"Oh, hi Mrs.Jensen"I said.
"Hi Lana"She said.
"I haven't seen you... since you kicked me out"I said.
"And he brought you right back in"She said.
"Are you planning on kicking me out again?"I asked.

That's would be totally pointless.

"No, this isn't really my house anyway. This one belongs to Aby I think, or was it Mark maybe it's Nathan's I don't know but it's definitely not Mandy's. But that's not the point"She said.
"Did you come to apologize?"I asked.
"That wouldn't be enough"She said.
"So then what are you here for?"I asked.
"I see your marrying my son"She said.
"Yeah"I said.
"But while your still human"She said.
"Yeah"I said.
"For what I did to you would you like me to turn you?"She asked.
"No thank you"I said.
"Think about it you'll be able to defend yourself, you won't grow up, you'll be able to travel the world if you want to, you won't die, and for a bonus your hands will heal"She said.
"No thank you"I said.
"Why would you refuse something like that?"She asked.

I took out my phone went in my gallery and searched for the photo of the book and read it out loud.

"'Whenever heshe decides to be turned they are to give the vampire blood in return', I'm sorry but I don't think you are the person who should bite me"I said.
"What do you want from me? A house? A mansion? a better room? money? Anything."She said.
"I don't need anything from you, I have no need of those stuff"I said.
"Lana I'm just trying to apologize"She said.
"Then apologize"I said.
"That's just a word"She said.
"A world that has a strong meaning, lots of words do. Just like hate and love. Emaging that you've a crush on a guy for so long and then he tells you he loves you just hearing love puts instant butterflies in your stomach. And a best friend you've known your whole life saying he hates you that's just really horrible and that make syou feel like you've done something bad. Both words can be expressed and felt. As of for saying sorry it's the same thing. you tell me sorry right now I could easily forgive you. I could easily love you. But, your not making me do that by offering me things I don't need. Making me rich isn't gonna chance anything. Being rich doesn't make everything ok, but money is very valuable and if I need it I'll work for it"I said.
"Ok then"She said.

I sighted.

"I'll be leaving you to do whatever it was you where doing before"She said.

And then left the room.

She still didn't apologize.

I sat on my bed.

Candy's P.O.V

Despite all the people outside, Mark and I where making out in his room.

"Hold on a second, my best friend is all alone. Do you think anyone will go after her?"I asked.
"Well if they want Nathan to kill them sure"He said.

We started kissing each other again, then I stopped.

"I feel like I should be with her right now"I said.
"I'm sure she's fine"He said.
"And if she's not?"I asked.
"Well you may as well kiss me since it'll be that last time you ever kiss me."He said.
"Ok then Marky"I said.

I started Frenching kissing him and stopped again.

he sighted.

"Sorry, I just feel guilty"I said.
"Do you wanna go check up on her?"He asked.
"Yeah"I said.
"Ok, but hurry up"He said.

I gave him one last kiss before I got up off him and went to lana's room.

"Hey, are you ok?"I asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?"She asked.
"Just had a feeling"She said.
"I'm just wondering why Nathan isn't back yet"She said.
"Did he say where he left?"I asked.
"No"She said.
"Don't worry I'm sure he's ok"I said.
"I'm just gonna take a shower and go to bed"She said.
"Ok then, if you need me call me litteraly on a phone or text me"I said.
"Why?"I asked.
"No reason"I said.
"Ok"She said.

I walked out of her room.

Why do I feel like something is wrong?

I went back to marks room.

"Is she fine?"He asked.
"Yeah"I said.

In seconds he was standing right infront of me holding my chin up.

"You seem a bit worried"He said.

I rapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm fine"I said.
"Really?"He asked.
"Yeah"I said.

He slid his right arm down to my waste he pulled me closer and slowly kisses me.

"If you say so"He whispered

he began kissing me again adding his tongue. My hands moved from his neck down to his chest. I pulled the top button on his shirt, then slid my hands down and pulled another one,then I slid my hand true his shirt on his chest. Not breaking the kiss I gently pushed him he took small steps going backwards as I walk forward until we've reached the bed, he laid down and I went on top of him.

"Do you wanna check on Lana one last time before we take this any further?"He asked, I noticed his eyes where red.
"No, she's fine. Maybe she's sleeping"I said.

We started kissing again roughly. Since I wasn't human anymore I could hold my breath for a really long time. I sat up and took off my top went back down and kissed him again. He rolled over so he was now on me kissing my neck.

"I'm gonna have fun with you tonight"He said softly

Lana's P.O.V

Just as I was about to go to bed I heard Another knock. NATHAN? no he doesn't really knock.Maybe it's Mrs.Jensen.

"Come in"I said.

A boy walked in, Maybe he's related to Nathan.

"Uh...hello"I said.

he gazed at me not saying a word.

"Uh... can I help you?"I asked nervously.

He was now standing right behind me, I'm starting to get a little scared now. I could run to Marks room, or kylo's or just scream out Nathan's name hoping he'd hear me.

He scared me even worse when he was suddenly now standing right infront of me. I did a little scream.

"I can hear your heart beating really fast. Are you scared?"He asked.
"Uh..... yeah... kind of"I said.
"ok, I'll leave then"He said.
"Um.. okay"I said.

He was gone, the minute he did Candy and Mark rush in to my room, Candy was in her underwear and Mark was pulling up his pants on him.

"I don't even wanna know"I said.
"Are you ok?"Candy asked.
"I'm fine"I said.
"I heard you scream"Mark said.
"It wasn't even that loud"I said.
"Who where you talking to?"Candy asked.
"A guy who came in"I said.
"Did he scare you?"Mark asked.
"Yeah"I said.
"Did he touch you?"Candy asked.
"No, he just came in here looked at me or whatever he was doing asked me if I was scared I said yes then he left and you two came in"I said.
"So why'd you scream?"Mark asked.
"Because he scared me"I said.
"Okay"Candy said.
"Also don't you two have something to be finishing up or whatever?"I asked.
"We are staying with you until Nathan is back"Mark said.
"I'm fine"I said.
"You've been kidnapped before, and almost died. We are not letting Nathan kill us if something happens to you and yes I'm a bit scared of him even if I am like him"Candy said.

I sighted.

"Mark please put on a shirt. Candy cloths?"I said.

They went away for a sec and came back in cloths.

"Thank you"I said.

I went inside my bed and laid down in my bed and the both came and laid beside me.

"Are you planning on having a threesome?"I asked.
"No"They both said.

Nathan's P.O.V

I stepped out of her house after convincing her to come to the wedding she said she'll think about it. I gave her the date and address.

I walked out on to the side walk I was about to start running again but I heard footsteps running towards me, then the person jumped up on my back and kissed me on my cheek.

"Hey Nate"She said.

I instantly knew who it was. She got off my back and came infront of me. She had blonde curly hair, A cute smile on her face and adorable green eyes.

"Hi Olivia"I said.

She tried to kiss me but I took a step back.

"What's wrong?"She asked.
"I have a girlfriend who I'm engaged to"I said.
"I know"She said coming closer.
"Why are you here?"I asked.
"You can never run away from me, wherever you go I'll be there"She said.

She took out a rag and whipped something off my cheek.

"You have some of my lipgloss on you"She said.

I notice a bite mark on her arm, the one I gave her.


Nathan's P.O.V

I sneaked into her house to her room where she was waiting for me. When I got in she mediately started making out with me.

"I was waiting for you"She said.
"Sorry I took so long"I said.

We started kissing again, slowly taking off each other's cloths. I leaned her up against the wall.

"Do you wanna taste my blood?"She asked.
"Why?"I asked.
"I just want you to"She said.
"It'll hurt you"I said

She kissed me.

"I don't care"She said.
"But, are you really really sure?"I asked.
"just do it Nate"She said.

My eyes turned red as my fangs grew.

"Okay then"I said.

She held her arm up to my mouth and I bit her drinking a little of her blood, She was in pain a bit but she kept it in.

"How dose it taste?"She asked.
"delicious"I said.

She started kissing me again.


Nathan's P.O.V

She realized I was looking at it.

"You remember that night?"She asked.
"You asked me to so I did"I said.
"Why didn't you just turn me then?"She asked moving her arm away.
"Wasn't the right time"I said.
"But you drank some of my blood didn't you? You owe me a bite"She said.
"Is that why you keep coming back? You want me to bite you?"I asked.
"I want more that just a bite Nate"She said.
"You can't have me"I said.
"But I want you"She said.

She took a step closer.

"And I'm willing to do anything to have you back"She said.
"If you hurt my girlfriend I will kill you"I said.
"I've heard you say that to people before but I was your girlfriend then"She said.
"So you know I mean it then"I said.
"You wouldn't kill me Nate, I know that"She said.

She held my face in her hands.

"You wouldn't do a thing to hurt me"She said.

She took a deep breath and moved her hands away.

"Well, I have to be somewhere right now. It was nice seeing you again Nate"She said with a smile and walked away she looked back at me and giggled then a car pulled up infront of her which she got in. I ran back home.

Lana's P.O.V

My eyes where close, I was trying to sleep but I guess Candy and Mark thought I was sleeping.

"I wish it was just the two of us in this room"Candy said.
"What would you do to me?"Mark asked.
"Lots of things"Candy said.
"The things I'd do to you would make you keep coming back for more, not wanting me to stop"Mark said.
"You wouldn't get tired of me since we'd be doing lots of new stuff"Candy said.
"We'll need more than just seven minutes in heaven"Mark said.

I'm not listening to this anymore.

I got up out of the bed I literally stood up in the bed stepped over Candy getting off the bed and went out through the door. I search the hallway and the living. Not a person in sight seems they must have went to bed. I went back to my room just to see the two of them making out.

"Can you two go to your room?"I asked.

They didn't look at me just kept on making out.

I sighted.

"Mark, Nathan's here"I said.

He quickly got up.

"Nothing happened to her"He said.
"Now that I have your attention please leave"I said.
"Hi Nathan"Candy said.
"Hey"Nathan said who was standing behind me.

I turned around.

"When did you? How did? Where were?"I asked not finishing my questions.
"Just now"He said
"Where were you?"I asked.
"I went to meet someone who is very important"he said.
"Who?"I asked.
"We'll just have to wait until the wedding"He said.
"okay I guess"I said.
"What happened to her?"Nathan asked Mark.

I turned around.

"Why?"He asked.
"It was the first thing that came out your mouth"Nathan said.
"I'll tell you, now that Nathan's back please leave...Shoo"I said.

Candy and Mark left.


I went back in my bed Nathan came and laid beside me.

"So?"He asked.
"So what?"I asked.
"What happened to you today?"He asked.
"oh um... Some weird guy cam in here and scared me"I said.
"Do you know who?"He asked.
"No, he was looking at me"I said.
"Did he touch you?"he asked.
"No"I said.
"Did he threated you?"He asked.
"No"I said.
"Did he say his name?"He asked.
"No"I said.
"If you see him again tell me"He said.
"I will, and your mom came to talk to be earlier"I said.
"Did she-"
"No, no, no and no"I said answering all the questions he would have asked.
"Okay"He said.
"She was trying to apologize by offering me things I didn't need"I said.
"Did she apologize?"He asked.
"No"I said.
"Ofcourse not"he said.
"Can I have a hint of who you met?"I asked.
"No"He said.
"A clue?"I asked.
"No"He said.
"Is it going to be a surprise?"I asked.
"It could be"He said.
"Ok, I'll wait"I said.
"Lana please go to bed and not think about it"He said.
"okay"I said.

© kel