

My hero
I'm flying so high tonight. Like my song says, again my hero is here with me. I can hear her voice, she flew away from heaven to be here, specially to save me. Because nobody can save me, only my hero can, she is the only one that can cry with me with no shame, save me from my sadness, help me to fight harder, help me to be happy just with calm and silence. She is here again !

How amazing this is, her hugs and tender warmth has no end. She is whispering in my ears, I can hear her voice, she says: " World is full of love but love is hard to find, that's why your hero is for. I'm always watching you, with me you are never alone, you don't need to be afraid, you don't need to search no more, tonight you can stop. Open your eyes, check around, love is here with me and you, in your veins, in your blood, lying peacefully in your inner soul." I can touch her wings, sleep on her spiderweb, tonight with her I can rebirth.

I just smile and fly away listening to my hero's song, just lying and smiling on her gigantic spiderweb. She is like me, so strong, passionate and powerful, I can feel her inside in every breath of air. I'm holding onto her wings while I feel the vibrant power in this room that now is not so quiet, we are now having a party. I am playing in my mind my electric guitar, singing my hero's song. She is so loud now, but she doesn't bother me, she is watching me play rock and singing with me hard tonight. Shit, I miss my guitar, at least she brought it here so I can play it on my mind.
Next time when I play it I'll remember my hero again, I can pick any night, just have to play and sing hard and then she will fly away from heaven to find me again, we'll both sing and laugh.

Now I know for sure she is always there, I don't have to be afraid, tonight and all the nights I am saved, even if I'm sad and I cannot see her or feel her right away, I just have to close my eyes and patiently wait.

I believe in her song, it is true what they say, that only a hero can save us. It is not just a coincidence, that tonight I'm sleeping next to the Empire State and this hero is here, flying away from New York, holding her webs on the side of the buildings from the skyline to rescue me again.

I'm so lucky, starting tonight I will stop my love search, love already found me I won't have to wait, I am saved. Because there is plenty of people who are still in the dark, they cannot open their eyes to see their heroes flying away to rescue them from their prisoners minds.


November 21/2022 3:00 am
New York City

By Lesther Karina Nieves
Copyright © LKN

Stoy inspired by Hero song, spiderman soundtrack.