

the wind and the world
we all love foods, wether it's our partners culture or a favourite type of cooking. we have a strong connection with food like it's our door to the ancient past and flavour is the key. we all know a family member who is keeping the recipe alive. without them it would be lost. from the Same way to cook things to strange foods. we must write, not just on a computer, but on a notebook , something you can draft into a book later. due to this ever changing world we must not rely on technology to get us out of trouble we must fix this by finding those who still cook the old ways and support them. whether it's for the taste or for the hole feel of it. our family and friends need us now so we should be spending money rather then Saving it. if you know any grandparents or older generations food , where they know the recipe in There heads, but go that extra mile for them and start writing them down roughly.