

In ancient times there were no lights, people just use to light lamps or diyas(it is made up of clay in which cotton and oil are filled) which can give them efficient light to do their work.

At that time fake saying were to much exhausted that there are ghost 💀living in peepal tree 🌳so do not go near peepal tree after sunset 🌅otherwise you will be dead that ghost will not leave you like that and the thing to see was also believed it .
Like that only this is the story of old women who experienced this ghost...
once upon a time there was a old lady whose name was gita👩 who was an Indian lady, she was a ordinary house wife, just doing household chores whole day cook for her family and take care of them. her routine was very usual like to do household work ....she usually sleeps 5 to 6 hours a day then in morning at 3am she use to go at well to fill water for her family the road which by which see passes was very dangerous and scary at that time because there were no street lights she has to take diya or lantern 🏮 with her so she can see and at that time people believe that 3am is the time of ghost so no one can be seen on the road ...
once upon a day she wake up and started walking on that road to fill water by putting matkas(big vessel made of clay in which Indians fill the water) on her head all alone on that scary road....................................
- wish
part 2 in next story if you want part 2 comment down