


There is now no fixed difference between the future and the past, it is just that some events occur after others. Whether an event appears to be future or past depends merely on its relation to the observer's place in the B series. The B series, by giving dates and times, seems tidier and more scientific.

In Old palace :

in this old palace . Five members came to paint and decorate this palace for Birthday party .

They found one "Ring " in that palace . That Ring was old Ring . Near the "Ring " one old dead body was lying . That five members sawn that dead body and they started to Run .

RUN .. RUN ... RUN .


2022 . That old palace changed into a Big cinema theatre due to the technological development .

16 /9/2022 .

Our super star movie was Releasing today . The movie name "TIME TRAVEL " .

In Old Residency :

Our Hero and their friends are Ready to watch super star movie "TIME TRAVEL " .

" DARSH " HE IS THE HERO OF THIS STORY . And his friends are Bheema , Rai and Raju .

Darsh -- Yes ! I'm Ready .

Bheema -- I'm also ready .

Rai -- Yes let's go .

Raju -- Yah ! .

Shravani -- I will come .

Shravani is Darsh's close friend .

Darsh -- Come! Let's go .

In Theatre :

The old palace only changed into theatre Now . First day first show .

Shravani -- I'm super star Rajini's big fan .

Darsh -- me too .

Darsh , Shravani , Bheema , Rai and Raju went inside the theatre . There are 1000 members in that theatre .

That "Ring " was made up of gold , diamond and silver .

Now that Ring was near Shravani's leg .

Shravani -- what is this ?.

Darsh -- ??? .

Shravani -- Wow! a cute "Ring " .

Rai -- It is made up of gold .

Bheema -- Yes . It is made up of gold .

Movie started .

Darsh -- Come! Let's go in . Movie started .

Shravani wearing that "Ring " . Now the time is 1:00PM .

That "Ring " started to glow . TIME paused for one minute .

Shravani -- what is happening ? .

Darsh -- Why all are sitting like statue ? .

Rai -- Bheema ! Bheema ! Where are you ?.

Bheema -- I'm here !.

Raju -- see there ! .

All the things , Chairs , Dust , and peoples are floating in the air .

Darsh -- Come let's go out .

Shravani -- Yes .

The door was not opening . Darsh tried to break the door. But the door is made up of wood .

Raju -- I can't able to break the door.

The Ring become more heat. So shravani braked that Ring .

The fire came from that Ring . And after few minutes Boomb blasted in that theatre .


Shravani -- what happened ? .

Darsh -- shravani ! Open the door.

Shravani -- Ok .

Rai -- I'm here ! .

Darsh -- Hey! Where is Bheema and Raju .

Rai -- I don't know .

Shravani opened the door . All the vehicles , train , Bus , shop and everything floating in the air .

Shravani -- what is this ?.

Darsh sawn date and time . Then only they here to know this is 10 /9/ 3021 .

They are in future .

Darsh -- Now . We are in future .

Shravani -- Time travel ! .

Rai -- Then ? Where is Bheema and Raju .

Bheema and Raju in Past .

In past :

Bheema and Raju sleeping in one dark room .

Bheema -- A...B.....C....D.......E.....F.... .

Raju -- Now where we are ? .

Raju opened the door . They are in 10/1/1940 .

Raju -- Bheema ! Now we are in the Year of 1940 .

Bheema -- G......H....I....J...K....L....M...N...o...p .

Raju -- DARSH! Where are you ? .

In Future :

Darsh -- what a Big city ! .

Shravani -- Wow ! .

They went inside one hotel . Hotel boy was seeing them .

Hotel boy -- who are you ? You look soo different .

Darsh -- we are coming from 2022 .

Hotel boy -- are you mad ? .

Darsh -- Really ! Ok . I want PIZZA .

Hotel boy -- what ? . Pizza , Burger everything is old dish . Now we are preparing only "Snake fish".

Shravani -- what ? .

Rai -- what ? .

Darsh -- Ok . Give .

Shravani -- what ?

Rai -- what ? .

Darsh -- Yes . We can eat ! .

Shravani -- 😡 .

Rai -- 😡 .

After eating " Snake fish " . They Ready to pay bill.

Darsh -- How much ? .

Hotel boy -- Just 300 ! .

Darsh gave 500Rs note .

Hotel boy -- what is this ?

Darsh -- 500Rs .

Hotel boy -- this is old 500Rs note . Now there is only digital Bit coin .

Shravani -- Bit coin means ? .

Hotel boy -- what ? Who will pay the money .

Darsh -- How to earn money ? .

Hotel boy -- are you terrorist ? .

Hotel boy suddenly called "ROBOTIC POLICE " . There are no human police . Only Robotic police are there .

Darsh -- RUN ... RUN ... RUN ! .

In past :

Bheema -- Oh no ! Now where we are ? .

Raju -- in heaven !.

Bheema -- what ? .

Raju -- Now we are in PAST .

Bheema -- what ? I can't able to understand Raju -- Now we are in the Year of "1941 " .

Raju and Bheema came out . They sawn that there are no vehicles in Road peoples are walking and cycling .

Bheema -- Wow! What a fresh air .

Raju -- Yes .

Gandhi ji came . Around Ghandhi ji there are thousand members .

Bheema -- Wow ! .

Bheema and Raju went near the Gandhi ji .

Gandhi ji -- who are you ? .

Bheema -- I'm Bheema .

Raju -- I'm Raju .

Gandhi ji -- are you British ? .

Bheema -- No we are indians .

Gandhi ji -- what ? .

Bheema -- come ! Let's take selfi !

Gandhi ji -- what ! .

Bheema took mobile from his pocket .

Gandhi ji -- what is this ? .

Bheema -- smart phone ! .

Gandhi ji -- what ? .

Bheema switched on his camera .

Gandhi ji -- No . It is bomb . RUN . RUN .

Gandhi ji and other people are Raned .

Bheema -- Gandhi ji ! Only one selfi .

Raju -- why they are Running ? .

Bheema -- I don't know .

In Future :

Robotic police are Searching them .

In past :

But in Past peoples are afraiding .

TIME⏱️ .

In Future :

They are hiding inside a small house .

Rai -- Oh ! God help us .

Shravani -- Don't shout .

House owner came to the house and he opened the house .

House owner -- Who are you ? .

Darsh explained everything to the house owner .

House owner -- Ok. Follow me ! .

Darsh -- Ok .

Finally they came to magician's House . The Magician name is RAIDU .

In Raidu's house :

Raidu -- Hi. I'm Raidu.

Darsh explained everything to the Raidu .

Shravani -- please give me some solution .

Rai -- I wanto take care of my Mom .

Raidu -- Ok . Give me that Ring .

Shravani -- It was broken into pieces .

Raidu -- it's ok give ! .

In Past :

Gandhi ji -- Don't follow me ! .

Bheema -- Gandhi ji ! Please only one selfi .

Gandhi ji -- No . Don't follow me ! .

Gandhi ji went inside one small house . Inside that house 12 British people came to Kill Gandhi ji .

They came near .

Bheema and Raju kicked them . And they are fighting against British .

Gandhi ji -- Thanks ! Who are you ? .

Bheema -- we are coming from 2022.

Gandhi ji , Bheema and Raju become friends .

Gandhi ji -- Ok . Come let's go to our house.

in Future :

Raidu -- today's date is 10/9/3021 ! .

Darsh -- Yes ! Toady only we came.

Raidu -- Tomorrow the end of the earth . All the peoples going to die in the earth .

Shravani -- what ? .

Raidu -- You should help us . Our Government planed that . Tomorrow we are going to Mars .

Darsh -- Ok . I will help you .

Raidu -- Not for me .To our people .

Darsh -- Ok .

On 11/9/3021 The world going to end , Our Government anounced that Many disaster going to occur like Tsunami , earthquake , Valcano etc .

So tomorrow all the peoples in earth going to Mars . And Government anounced this to the people .

Raidu -- I will try to attach this "Ring " .

Darsh -- Ok sir .

They came to street . The "ROBOTIC POLICE " Catched Darsh ! . Darsh can't able to beat the "ROBOTIC POLICE " because he is made up with metal .

ROBOTIC POLICE -- I'm going to arrest you .

Darsh -- No ! .

Robotic police arrested Darsh and their friends were escaped from Robotic police .

In Jail :

Darsh can't able to Break the Jail door because it also made up with metal .

Darsh -- help me ! .

Robotic police -- who are you ? .

Robotic police Shooted Darsh . But Darsh was alive only .

In Raidu's house :

Rai -- Robotic police arrested Darsh .

Raidu -- Now ! He was alive or not .

Shravani -- Don't know .

Raidu -- Ok . Come let's go to Jail .

Rai -- Ok . Come ! .

In Past :

More British soldiers came to Gandhi's house to kill him .

Gandhi ji -- Do you wanto kill me ? Ok . Come !.

British soldiers going to kill Gandhi ji .

But they didn't kill Gandhi ji . They arrested Gandhi ji . And now Gandhi ji is in Jail .

In olden Jail :

They didn't give any food to Gandhi ji to eat for three days . Raju and Bheema searching Gandhi ji .

In Future :

Today the date is 11/9/3021 . Morning 5:00 AM .

In Bay of Bengal , Arabian sea and Indian ocean the higher wave started .

In Raidu's house :

Raidu -- Name the person who are in PAST .

Shravani -- they are, Bheema and Raju .

Raidu -- Ok .

Raidu have a plan . Raidu taught that with his magical power he can bring Bheema and Raju here .

Raidu -- shravani ! Go and release Darsh .

Shravani -- Yes .

In past , Bheema and Raju searching Gandhi ji and they are crying without Gandhi ji .

Shravani and Rai went to Jail to Resquie Darsh .

In Jail :

Shravani -- Darsh ! .

Darsh was lying on floor because Robotic police Shooted him .

Shravani started to cry .

In Raidu's house :

Raidu successfully baught them here .

Raju -- who are you ?

Bheema -- where we are ?

Raidu explained everything to them . And they also accepted to help the people .


Raidu -- Bye ! Where is shravani and Darsh.

Shravani and Darsh came .

Raidu -- Bye !

Darsh -- Bye .

Shravani -- Bye .

Rai -- Bye .

Bheema -- Bye.

Raju -- Bye .


16/9/2022 .

In Theatre :

The Movie ended . Except Darsh no one can't able to Remember everything . They all forget.

Shravani -- what happened ? .

Darsh -- Nothing .

Raju -- what ?

Darsh -- Nothing.

Now they are very happy . But in the Year of 3021 the peoples were transported to Mars but they didn't Reach Mars they are dead in Space . The last day on earth is 11/9/3021 .

The end .

Written by

Indian writer

© Indian writer Darshan