

Life is all about..........
your age doesn't matter, if its not lived with a sense of excitement and enthusiasm. if its not filled with "lively moments" and passionate purpose.
the thing that matter is whether you are 20 or 70 is the moments that you really feel alive and not just existed. what count is the minutes that you transcended from existence by doing the things you love.
the things that really matters is the days you celebrated you existence the days you counted your blessings and charms.
what really matters is the days you had as good laugh with family and friends and the day you birthed or fathered your child and the days that you make your parents proud and see the spark of joy in their eyes.what really matters is the day you lift a broken soul from despair and help your brothers and sisters in the ways that you know how. what really matters is what you do with your life whether you make it count? or let it blow in the wind like ash?. it doesn't matter if your rich or poor. it doesnt matter if you are young or old. it doesnt matter if you are married or not. in fact its not about what you have, but infact its about the life you lived to the fullest, its about the lives you touched, its about the moments you created, its about the memorys you shared. its about the love you give its about the joy you felt its about the legacy you leave until your last breath. see life is not about the grandest things infact its about the little moments that captured your heart and set your soul free from dilemma.
© curiousnardi