

Is that equity & equality?
A 5-foot 9-inch male and a 5-foot 1-inch female needed a job and they both applied in a warehouse for stacking boxes 6 feet high. They both got the job and agreed to fulfill the requirements to sustain the job. The male stacked his boxes without an issue but the female started to have issues once the boxes were stacked 5-foot 3-inches high. Her coworker helped her for a while since she was not tall enough until their manager arrived. Now their manager saw that she had issues and gave her a stepping ladder to make her life easier. The female continued her work and so did the laws of gravity. Now every time this woman got on the stepping ladder she felt as if she was journeying a steep mountain full of mud that invited her in while carrying a large backpack full of makeup items that made a jingling sound every time she moved. She turned her head and stared at the male who simply walked with his box towards his stacked boxes as if he was a boy scout selling cookies on a normal day. She saw the sweat on his face fall like the way it slides on the windows of homes and cars but she just didn't see him as stressed as she was. She started remembering how in science class gravity affected us continually. How the saying “The bigger they are the harder they fall” is simply just interpreted as the higher something is up in the air the greater the impact when it touches the ground due to gravity. She started realizing gravity was playing a major part in why her legs were burning every time she climbed that stepping ladder with her box and how it wasn't as difficult when she didn't have the ladder and was able to stack her boxes but because she wasn't tall enough she needed the stupid stepping ladder. She now was thinking about how males and females both can retire at the age of 65 and said “I guess that's fair enough.” How they can both work in the same fields now due to women's rights but realized she was working much harder than the male and it was due to something out of her control which was her height. She realized that when her manager gave her a stepping ladder it didn't make her job easier but much more difficult due to the laws of gravity working against her not to mention the weight of the box that she was carrying up the stepping ladder. She turned her head and stared at the male once more who looked like a child stacking legos effortlessly and was irritated because she felt like a camel carrying weight on her shoulders through a desert. She turned her head toward her manager who was texting on his phone while disguising his actions with a clipboard full of papers and so she stepped off the ladder for a moment and took a deep breath. She realized equity was a pile of bullshit cause that ladder wasn't making her life any easier and equality joined in with equity because working in the same field as the male but not considering her height and how it differs from the male and excepting both of them to do the same amount of work with the same tools just doesn't guarantee success for some people because others have to put themselves at more risk to fulfill the expectation. Just imagine the risk of a ladder failing and an injury presented or future health problems all because someone was not tall enough and had to use a stepping ladder.
The weight of the box was not the problem it was her height.

- She now fights for more women's rights
© Machito