

Company And Coat Rack
The lady saw a coat rack on her steps
with a bow on it.
What well it's a gift so I will take it.
but this not that kind of gift
soon as it was in my house
it kept moving around my rooms
then it chased me
I fought it with with my umbrella
And it rolled across my table
And I heard it's metal
say you can't stop me
And my metal
body. Will take this place down
So I say look you hold my coat
now I don't want no more drama
out your ads ok.
So back and stay in your corner
now I will have company
So I don't want to see
or here your metal all around
my couch.
So I will lock you in a room.
So I grap it by the neck
And it goes in under protest
hitting my leg but I take it and lock
the door.
My goodness who gave me a gift like
this. I think they must have had the
wrong house.
So this what happened one hour later
It had stopped moving once I
locked the door.
But as soon as the doorbell rang.
It screamed with a metal
But my guest thought it was a car
moving in the street outside but it was
So we talk and do tea.
Then they tell me a story about
this metal coat rack which has
brought terror to
my old neighborhood.
It killed 8 people
And got thrown out so many
times it's a terrible house guest
So I say goodness I thought
something is wrong but nothing like
Oh I have that coat rack locked
in a room. What she yells
Then we here crash
And the glass door to the sitting room
was gone
And the coat rack was coming towards
And she said no
So she threw her cup at it
you are not going to hurt my family
you are not the boss of this place
then she gets in a stand
And takes here scarf
then she wipes at it
the older lady was beating its ads
screaming on it
I was in the corner like you tell kin.
And then after beating it she broke
it in half then the two pieces ran around the rooms no and it joined itself together
again. And it got close to a window
And broke it jumping out busting glass
everywhere. And me and my guest just
look like this bitch just caused us so much damage. That I will have to kill
it's ads. but it got away.
So we call the police an say its missing
So we say if you find it let us know
we would like to. boil it in fire
to burn it down into a necklace
where it can never hurt anyone ever
Then the room laughs
But. thought the broken glass pane.
The coat rack appears then you
here nooooooo.
Then it puts a bomb in the house
And. a coat rack not a human
but it was cursed
it blows up the damn. house
So no one will know about
or be
able to boil or kill this.
But it must be a way to kill this curse
but for now the coat rack
gets away with it once again.
where it. Will end up next who knows.

© Lash