

It was early morning with sorching sun in sky. farmers were working in fields, children were playing and roaming all around the village.Rampur village is not well developed but people living in this village live with happiness and love with each other.There was no mode of talking through phones, people usually use telephones and mostly people in village write letters.
post man cycling with letters, reaches home of Mannu.Mannu is 10 years old boy, son of soldier. Mannu eagerly move towards postman and asks " post man uncle, is there any letter from letter?"
post man uncle said " yes their is letter from your soldier! but call your mom first!"
Raggu is wife of soldier, she always awaits for letter from his husband. Mannu informs her mom about letter from dad and she eagerly and happily takes letter from postman. postman also gives salary of soldier to Raggu.
Raggu asked his son Mannu to read letter as she is illeterate. Manny starts reading letter. The letter read
" How are you Raggu! and how is my Mannu? I miss you both of them a lot. I miss your tasty dishes being cooked by you, here at border food is not tasty as you cook! I am fine here, you do not worry about me.There is tension on border areas of our country, I will be busy in coming days. Can't say when war will takes place. You do not worry about me, one day I will come soon and we will have fun together in village.You and Mannu is always with me in my heart, hope everything is fine there. you of them take care of yourself".
Raggu eyes was filled with tears and then hugged his son. She gives his son some money to buy something for himself. Mannu happily takes money and letter, moves towards his room. Mannu took a file, where he kept all letters from his father, as memory and kept these letter too. He puts money in money saver bank and go out for playing.
It was market day, where all vegetables were being sold. Raggu said to Mannu " Iam going out for market. you take care of home, I will be back soon".
Mannu said "yes mummy! please being me some chocolates too!".
It has been many days, there no letters from soldier.
but today postman stopped by Mannu's home and shouted for him.
Manny happily went towards postman. Postman this time was bit sad and handed letter.
postman asked" where is your mom Mannu?"
Mannu said " mummy went to market, I will sign and take letter"
postman handed letter sadly and went back.
Mannu eargerly opened opened letter and read letter
" dear Raggu and mannu, as I previously mentioned war might occur at border! yes I am going for war. I might not get chance to meet you both in this life or might be I will alive! I can't say.I want to say both of you take care of each other. I want Mannu to become soldier and protect our mother land, this is my last wish. you might be crying now, do not cry. I am always there with y'all. One day I will return to home definitely. I hope you to take care and wait for me".
along with letter, there was one more letter, which confirmed that soldier's body is not being found after the war, after searching a lot. He is declared as dead.
Mannu was broken, Tears rolled hisheeks. suddenly he observe her mom coming and he hides letters in file.
Mannu went to his mom and hugged her tidely.
Raggu asked " what happened son, does anything happened?"
Mannu said " mummy nothing happened, I missed you".
Raggu smiled and said" now I am back! today I am going to prepare your dad favourite dishes and we will enjoy it".
Mannu tried not to look sad and smiled a little.
In the night, he silently went towards file and starts reading all letters of soldier, weeping silently. He decided not to say mom truth about his father dead, which will broke her into pieces.
Next day, he went to post man. Mannu said" postman uncle, I do not want my mother to know about dad's dead.she will be broken into pieces if she knows. I want my mom to smile always".
postman uncle " Iam so sorry about your dad's death, I will not say Raggu about death I promise you".
After two days, there is birthday of Raggu.Mannu decided to write fake letter from his dad wishing Raggu on her birthday. He wrote letter and went to post man.He handed letter and instructed him to give it to her mom after two days.He went to temple, prayed for his dad soul and peace.He was sad and alone.
soon the day arrived, Rajju was very happy. She was eagerly waiting for post man for letter. Postman arrived at home and hands-on letter.Raggu signed and took letter.
Raggu called Mannu and said him happily to read letter.
Mannu started reading letter
" my dear Raggu, I wish you happy birthday. I wish you live longer.I love you so much and feel lucky to have you in my life.Here everything is fine.You do not worry about me. Take care of yourself and Mannu.I wish I can see you on this special day!.You might be looking beautiful and always keep smiling.I can't say when I can come, but I will keep on sending you letters.Take care and love you".
Raggu was very happy and hugged his son happily.This time Raggu took letter and kept with herself.
Mannu went out near temple, started crying..
He knows his dad will never return back.He feels like cheating on mom, but want her mom to smile always...

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