

Mental Health.
Everyone now is going about Mental Health, upbringing those topics of mental health, flooding the feed with thoughts like "We are here for you, We will listen and on and on and on."

But the harsh reality is when the time comes, or when you want to get heard all you get to hear is "It will be okay, You don't need to stress this much over it, You will get over soon, Try being happy, Watch movies and on and on and on"

Well it doesn't go this way, not at all.

It's difficult to breathe in depression, it's difficult to see things in those anxiety attacks, it's difficult to feel things in those numb moments.
The world falls apart but the curve on the face is still 360°, because if that goes down a bit, you get a bunch of useless questions and of course few labels every now and then.

It's not easy to survive in this cruel world, cruel because at times people around you know that you need help, still because of some cool pact they will give you some uncertain advice and make that whole scenario go boom and now nobody's is talking about the thing you want to talk about.

Out of blues if one approaches you about how you doing, you'll always say "Hey, All good"
It's hard to open up when in depression, because there are locks on the doors, number of locks, high build walls and many more hurdles which people deny to cross when approached.
It's really not easy, not that easy how you project.
If given real love and care on time, things might get better.
But, if it goes this way, it really won't.

Stop approaching your friend out of blues and asking how they are doing, they won't open up. Rather check on them every day, dig in deep if you see signs. Don't act smart and ignore signs. You would really not know what one is going through. And one day, if any of your friend do so, make sure you make yourself realise that you could save him/her, but just because of that cool pact, you lost the person.
©Pooja Singh