

Chemicals Of Love!
All the love, the poets have for their poems, the love within the poems, the love readers have for the poems and within everything there lies a part of us stumbling to figure out what this love is.Yes,it's not a thing you'll get when you read, write or told, rather it's a feeling you should feel when it comes to you all alone!Neruda once wrote love comes from the dark things, the imperfections, the odds and John Donne said when this spiritual love arrives the beloved will lose their fears and they seek adventures.But what if this love leaves?
No one would like to write or talk about this in this world of happy endings because when that happens everything becomes the exact opposite of what you have been experienced or believed till now.Roses don't seem red they don't smell good and suddenly you'll start to fear every night and dreams you once used as a medium for fantasies.Even your puffy eyes, red cheeks and running nose will start to talk about the story of pain- pain of being not chosen, being betrayed, being unhappy.On days you'll sit for hours and your messy hair won't dance with these winds where you'll be counting the days you've been spending befriending with these pillows with your another friend grief.With memories on one side and hindrance to accept the realities on the other side you crave for the return of what you lost,what you made lost, return of your previous life.But realising nothing will change and will stay in the state as it is, you'll come across the first lesson of love- Nothing could ever make a person both stronger and weaker than love!You'll understand, people stay with eachother not because of their perfections but because of lack of that mind not enough to betray eachother, cheat eachother.Finding those lessons creeping on your soul,you'll learn to change which makes you love yourself even more and there, blooms a life- life with the chemicals of love!

© krishpr