

The girl in the mirror part 3
I was kinda scared about what Mrs Thud had to say. But I just shook it of and went to bed. Later that night I had a dream it was about a girl that was stuck in the mirror her face was covered by her hair, and she was screaming I'm going to kill you if u don't get out of here. I woke up, my whole body was covered in sweat, I drank some water and went back to bed. It was the next day and I was making breakfast. When I was done I went to get dressed, on my mirror was lipstick prints I was so confused but wiped it out. I then went to work. When I got back I found my make-up on the floor. I thought someone broke in but everything was locked and nothing was missing. I thought maybe I knocked it down but then....I heard a voice say I'm going to kill you if you don't get out of here....

To be continued.....