

A Reflective Valentine's Day At The Office
Its a story of us humans,playing our roles in different parts of the world in differrent time zones.Scene is of the early hours of the day in an office with all its hustle bustle,deadlines,coffee breaks,cribing and gossiping sessions.Suddenly its informed by the team leader,that BOSS wants to see us all in the meeting room right now.As guessed,the meeting was about a new project.Many ideas,suggestions,innovations were to be pooled by each one of us.We had Miss Chatterjee,a young,intelligent,full of life and enthusiasm,21 years old someone .....Then we had Miss Geeta Kapoor experienced,mature and very deligient,35 years old someone.....
Miss Geeta was already sure of praises she was going to receive from everyone including BOSS for her innovative and out of the box thinking.
The Meeting started and ideas were pooled,to utter shock of Miss Geeta Kapoor nobody liked het ideas.On the other hand,Miss Chatterjee was praises by all including BOSS.
Miss Geeta from that day onwards decided ti withdraw internally.
Miss Chatterjee somehow not got overwhelmed by praises shr got and kept on improving upon her ideas.But her friends asked her"Why so much of an effort now,when everything is so perfect for you"?
Miss Chatterjee replied,because i Love MYSELF and for me my self respect is of utmost priority.
To this response everybody stared her with a doubtful stare.She explained overwhelmed by criticism if i withdraw internally,i will close doors of improvement for myself forever .I will keep on hurting myself.On the otherhand,overwhelmed by praises if i will stop progressing everyday,then i will start stinking as a stagnant water.
So if you really LOVE YOURSELF AND CARE FOR YOURSELF,RESPECT YOURSELF...always accept that at the moment i did my best as per my capabilities BUT i may not be the BEST...
This way you will protect ourselves from inflicting self hurt upon ourselves.
Miss Kapoor was hearing all this,it gave a new belief system to her and she started everything a fresh.
It was the day of Valentines too...so Miss Kapoor kissed her new self and wished happy valentines day to her new self.
#transformation #transformation #selflove #valentinesday
© Haniya kaur