

Love Story (Series)6
As I dialed his number, Sue came and sat next to me. I decided to take advantage of this. The phone rang but no response, I tried again and finally Greg picked up the phone. In a low voice I said "Hello, Greg I that you?" his voice shuddered then in faint voice he replied "Yes, it's me. Can we meet somewhere just the both. Only the both of us." "Sure, just tell me where to meet" I asked "High school, normal time"
he replied.

I thought my plan was coming to play for and for the better.as instead of me asking he'd done the honours. All I had to do now is go meet him, see what he had to say. The next day I went to see my old friend, as I found my way back to my old high school. I found him waiting there alone as he'd mentioned. It seemed he had something important to say.

As Greg came to me "I'm sorry for what I did in high school you know I'm still paying the price for it. Miss Stacy is not what she seems Rich. She came with me only cause she wanted a servant someone to take care of her." "So your telling me you didn't know this, I've known this since used to be in detention with her. She'd share her problems all the time. You know she doesn't have a place to live right?" I asked sarcastically "So you find yourself anyone.?" I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. I casually replied to him "No haven't found anyone yet, also I'm actually not looking for someone" he let out a smirk. "Come on Rich you can tell me her name I'm not going to steal this one." "OK, you know me too well, I won't show her picture but her name's Sue"

Grerg pleaded me to see her, as I showed him the picture his face turned plae, "Do you know who she is?" he asked "Ya upcoming model, almost a celebrity." he asked me "Hey Rich why is it that you always get the good girls.?" I just let out a laugh to that.

Very funny, hilarious to be true. "You didn't tell me why called me here" I asked "Well the thing is I want to get rid of Stacy she's almost ten years elder to me and we don't connect." He said. I thought for a moment, the age with her would become a thing but the fun should balance it out. As well as I knew her she just wanted someone who would understand and support her that's all. After a moment's silence I said to him" What if I started taking care Stacy for you

End for 6/2/20

©Prince Parulekar

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