

Chapter 3 - Sam meets the Librarian
I didn't notice the door closed behind me, I was to enthralled with what was in front of me.

As far as the eye could see were infinite rows upon rows of bookshelves. I'd imagine that there was a back to this library. But I couldn't see it, the bookshelves just disappeared into the far off distance. The same was said when I looked up, rows of bookshelves going way out of sight into the clouds. That's right, there were clouds inside the library?

A labyrinth of railway tracks snaked it's way through the shelves. I'd also imagine there was a small train somewhere ready to take those visiting to their place of reading interest.

"Hello!" Came a small voice from somewhere. I looked around, but all I could see were books.

"I said, hello. Over here!"

I scanned the savanna of the library like a lioness trying to seek it's prey. Then my eye caught a pair of arms waving frantically at me. What I took at first to be just a pile of books was in fact a desk, and now standing up behind it was a young woman I'd say late teens early twenties. A bit like myself.

The waving arms were accompanied by small round face with a wide smile. Once my attention had been captured, the young woman came out from behind the books and made her way towards me. As I said she was about the same age as me. She had fair hair tied up in a bun, but some strands had worked loose and were now hanging down by her cheeks. Her eyes were a bluey-grey and she wore no makeup. But the striking thing I noticed was what she was wearing.

A long brown tweed skirt that touched the floor. By the sound she made when she walked, I'd say she wore high heel boots. She had on her top half I high neck white blouse and over the top of that, a brown tweed quarter length jacket. Quite the Edwardian lady.

"Hello again." She said, this time thrusting out her hand towards me. "I'm Harriet Georgina Wells, my friends call me George or HG whichever takes their fancy."

I took her hand and was immediately subjected to the most enthusiastic vigorous handshake.

"Same...as...the... science...fiction...author..." I said between the shakes. When I had finished, the greeting suddenly stop!

"History has recorded me as an author not a scientist!" Asked Harriet.

"HG Wells, was a famous writer. He wrote..." I began to count them off on my fingers. "...War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, The Invisible..."

Harriet immediately put her right-hand finger to her lips. "Shhhh!" And with her left hand signaled me to stop talking. "I shouldn't know anymore of my future. You have already told me to much".

Now confused, I looked at her with a wrinkled brow. "I'm talking about HG Wells, the author who was a man. Not you!" Then looking around the vast array of books I said. "If you point me to biography section I can show you a picture of him!"

Although Harriet had heard me, I could see her mind was on something else. Then, looking at me straight in the face she confessed, "I guess it was silly of me to think I'd be recognized for my own work. I imagine after I disappeared into the library, father must have been mistaken for the creator of my work and went along with the illusion so my work would be accepted."

"So, the picture we have all known as HG Wells the author is really your father!"

Harriet gave a weak smile.

"And the real HG Wells was, or should I say, is you!"

Harriet didn't say anything. She just stood there, looking at me.

"You've had quite a day." She said to me eventually. "Why don't we go up to my apartment for a nice cup of tea!"

To be continued...
© Alice White