

I sit there in class wishing the time would go quicker as am staring at the clock the teacher shouts over to me "pay attention girl" I look over to him sorry sir I say in a quiet voice, he tells me to read out the question in the book that am supposed to be reading.
I look at the letters but It's no use the words on the page look like they're jumping out at me, I tell my teacher I cannot read it he laughs at me and calls me stupid. As I try to stick up for myself he calls me rude and lazy and gives me a detention. Later after my stupid detention my father calls me where have you been?
As I tell him where I've been my eyes tier up I begin to weep uncontrollably my father says wait there I'm coming to find you. As I leave the school gate I see my father coming up the car park looking rather sad what's wrong sweetheart why was you so late? I told him the whole story exactly what my teacher said. My father's face looked horrified as he marched in the school
"how do you talk to my daughter like that you bastard" the teacher just laughed and said if your daughter wasn't so stupid and did her work like all the other students did I wouldn't have to give her detention!
I've never seen my father look so annoyed in his whole life, the next moment or so came as a bit of a shock to me. My father grabbed my teacher up against the wall and said my daughter isn't stupid she has dyslexia which is a learning difficulty but you are pathetic you should be ashamed of yourself my father said. The horrible brute of a man just laughed at my father and said Dyslexia isn't a real! my father punched my horrible teacher in the face and said how stupid can you be I myself have dyslexia and all my life stupid teachers like you always put me down and told me I would do nothing with my life and look at me now I'm a very famous author but you wouldn't no that would you Mr Oscar.

#learningdisability #Dyslexia #knowledge

© Willow F.T