

The loud blast startled us all. On its heels the plane nose-dived. "Jump out now!"
The squadron leader opened the hatch. It looked like a gaping gateway to hell. One by one the soldiers jumped into the dark abyss. I was the last to go...


The loud blast startled us all. On its heels, the plane nose-dived. "Jump out now!" the squadron leader shouted over the deafening roar of the engines.

I looked around at my fellow soldiers, their faces pale with fear. The plane was going down fast, and there was no time to waste. The squadron leader opened the hatch, revealing a gaping gateway to hell below us.

"Go, go, go!" he yelled, motioning for us to jump. One by one, the soldiers leaped into the dark abyss, disappearing into the night sky.

I hesitated, my heart pounding in my chest. I was the last one left, the only one standing between life and death. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to block out the screams of my comrades as they fell into the unknown.

"Jump now!" the squadron leader's voice cut through the chaos, urging me to make a decision. With a final push of adrenaline, I threw myself out of the plane and into the void.

The wind whipped past me, tearing at my clothes and hair. The ground rushed up to meet me, a black abyss waiting to swallow me whole. I closed my eyes and braced for impact, but instead of hitting the ground, I felt myself being pulled upwards, away from the darkness below.

I opened my eyes to see a figure standing before me, its face twisted in a grotesque grin. "Welcome to my domain," it hissed, its voice echoing in the empty void.

I screamed, the sound lost in the endless expanse of nothingness around me. The figure reached out a hand, its fingers curling around my throat, squeezing the life out of me.

I gasped for breath, my vision blurring as I struggled against the creature's grip. "Who are you?" I managed to choke out, my voice barely a whisper.

The figure laughed, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. "I am the darkness that lurks within us all," it whispered, its grip tightening around my throat.

I fought against the darkness, my mind racing with fear and confusion. Was this the end? Was I doomed to spend eternity in this hellish realm?

But then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the figure vanished, leaving me alone in the void. I gasped for breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I looked around at the empty expanse of nothingness.

And then, with a sudden jolt, I woke up, my body drenched in sweat. It had all been a dream, a nightmare that had felt all too real.

But as I lay there, trying to calm my racing heart, I couldn't shake the feeling that the darkness was still out there, waiting for me to fall back into its clutches once again.

Written By,
Ivan Edwin
Pen Name - Maximus.
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