

Lia and Gilbert I
Love is a mystery with diversified formulas bonded by a unique strong feeling born of the sensation of being special.We live ,we love ,we trust, get disappointed,we hate ,we give way to forgiveness then the routine starts at fresh with experience as the best of guides but will our soulmate meet up to expectation?? are our paths interlinked some how so as to reach a particular point Lia wandered as she moved along the street in solitude observing others profess their love as though only two in the universe. She was very pretty but full of complexity ,her view of the ideal man since small was someone tall,huge,dark in complexion,kind,humble and rich.Unfortunately for her years passed but her dream man never showed up. By sunset lia reached home very tired from sales and went directly on bed letting the calm breeze transport her into the dream land when suddenly a sound awaken her,she glazed around and caught sight of a figure whose eyes glittered in the dark ,there he stood looking at her with so much passion ,presumably a psycho murmured lia in panic she wished to have wings so as to flee as far as she could but even before an attempt was captured by his splendour,he approached her confidently with a smile saying" fear not damsel" getting hold of her hands " i am named Gilbert" said he and i was sent to watch over you.Lia hearing this words left from panic to confusion of what danger was he to guide her from and were was he really from ?? but before she could ask him any further question she drowned into a deep sleep.The next day everything seemed normal the Sun had risen as normal sending down rays which reflected from lias Window illuminating the entire room.Lia woke up starring around trying to uncover the mysterious stranger of the previous night but everything was exactly as she had always known them to be that she laughed out thinking all was just a dream and set for work.
© Dipita