

The Contract Marriage

Knowing that Aaron only ate at three restaurant Mr moon simply called them
And he easily got the information of the girl Aaron fired from the manager
He sent the information to his private investigator and told him not to leave any stone untouched.

It was two day after Jane was fired at the restaurant she still wished she could get the job back

Here is the information you asked for said Mr moon
Aaron went through the document
has a little sister
lost her parents while in highschool
highest level of education highschool

Aaron was satisfied with the information somehow he could stop thinking about her since the day she spilled milk on him, she is the only woman he has thought of aside from grace there was something in her

I think i will have to go with option one Mr moon
You mean option one get married before your birthday asked Mr moon who was shocked,he had suggested that to him but need thought he would consider it
Yes replied Aaron who was smiling at the documents in his hands

Mr moon thought he was dreaming he had worked for Aaron since he became successful about four years ago but this was actually the first time he had Seen him smile.
Jane had just finished her shift and was about heading home
when a customer entered the restaurant
It was him he was the one that made her lose her job she tried to hid but he had already seen her and he was heading towards her
Jane could not deny the fact that he was very handsome, maybe the most handsome man she had seen

I need to talk to you he said she felt a bit embarrassed because of the the things she said to him the last time
She didn't want to talk to him but she accepted then they sat at a table
I want to apologise about the last time
Aaron couldn't believe what he just said did he just apologise to this lady
you were right he continued just because you spilled milk on me doesn't give me the right to fire you ,does that mean I can have my job back Jane asked
well I have a better proposal, Jane looked interested she could really use the extra cash
Aaron gave her the contract
The look on her face changed after she read few lines, It says I have to marry you for 6 months and get paid 1 billion and I can divorce afterwards if I want
I think you gave me the wrong Paper she said No it's the right one
Who would give a stranger such documents and ask her to marry him you don't know me
I Know everything about you he said
but I don't know you Jane said, ask me anything and I will answer he said
am sorry but am not interested
I will double the money, the look on her face didn't change change four billion he said
Jane could believe her ears but she still didn't want to do it
Sorry but am not interested she said as she stood to leave
Wait a minute he said as he tried something on his phone


Her phone rang

That's my number I have a feeling that you are going to Change your mind, once you do am only a call away he said but this offer is only valid for three days
okay Jane said and left the restaurant
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