

Unknown (Pt-3)
_____________________&Guys read the first two parts so that you could keep up with the 💥continuity of the story..✨Ok!
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I sobbed for how long that i don't know. The feeling of loneliness was too much to bear.I wished to see the people whom i loved; my mother, will i ever see her? What will happen to me? I cursed the day i left my home. I took shelter inside a horse stable for the night. The night was cold and foggy. Sleep was not an option to be considered.
In the early morning i found a letter besides me which had the same upside cross symbol on its front.But i didn't understand how it got here!
The letter gave the details about 5 PEOPLE
I bothered why the names of these people enlisted here!?
The letter ended with the words "To be EXECUTED brutally."
immediately the thought came up on my mind that these strange men were some crazy fanatics.How did they possibly think that they will use me as a pawn for murder?
I threw the letter away and wished i never read that..; I walked out of the stable to the streets & tried to clear my mind from this madness. There were rush of carriages and busy men in leather black coat and hats. Some of the ladies weared tightwaisted frocks in high heels.They maintained a well complex look on their faces. Most of the people stared at me in a strange way cause i was wearing some dirty coat covered in hay and coal dust. But i realised a changed had gone through my physical body, and i was not a boy anymore. I looked much taller and had strong arms that of a coal worker, which was kind of impossible to happen.{My mind, still in search whether all these exist as a reality or not}

The days passed by and had been having these nightmares every night of someone or something chasing me; untill today early morning i realised the horror of it!
I was in a chamber, darkness widespread before me. I saw prisons on both sides of the wall and in it there were torturing tools and blood stains. Suddenly i got startled by a noise which was far from humane.I turned back to identify what it was. Beneath a lessilluminable lamp on the cealing i saw a creature standing upright about 7 foot tall. It had long arms and long legs skinny bodied with grey skin. It had monstrous fangs on it's fingertips. The creature got back on its hind legs and remained closed to the floor. I was petrified on seeing it's hollow eyes and massive horns on its head. It produced a massive inhumane voice once again. A chill ran through my spine when it looked directly into my eyes as if it wanted my soul.
It came for me in an immensive speed ,i ran with trebbling legs, the running made me loose my breath and my chest felt heavy. I knew it was gaining on me but it seemed there was no escape out of the endless chamber; untill i found a door. But
NO.! it didn't let me..took me by my leg pierced it's fangs on my calfs i screamed out of pain. My teeth shivered on seeing it's horrible face crept upon on. It forced it's fangs into my chest. The pain was intolerable cause it didn't felt like a dream.I knew I would faint out.Maybe i did..
But the pain vanished into thin air and i sae visuals of blurred candles. It was THEM again,the unknown. They encircled me. Without hesitation one spoke:;

This is our second encounter ,we told you not to question him and thus you had felt him personally now.Your soul is in his hands and you are his servant.There is no turning back out of this."You will do as "HE"desired"!

Why should i kill them? I asked
One among them replied: "The world is never good /bad.What we will achieve is beyond the hopes of men.We don't have choices ,the fate decides your deeds and it cannot be changed. "He" will reign over these mere mortals and we will be a part of his glory. Cause the men will die and we will live..You will become the idol of the fear that will soon spread in the hearts of the people here and the whole world."
For some reason I didn't desired to question him. I kept hearing the whispers and prayers in my mind{confuses me}. He came to me and proclaimed 'Hail to the dark lord' and made a devilish smile.

When I walk up i was inside an old room and there was cold breeze coming through the window. From their i could see the whole city and i realised I was inside the tower of London. I looked around and saw a grey leather coat, an anonymous mask along with one butcher knife and a hook. The pictures of the ones to be killed and a list of murders happened in londoncity's article inside a drawer in the antique table.

To be CONTINUED....!