

The Lock and Key game
"Some things in life are meant to be together". Tell something that would suffice the lines in a story.

well, lock and key, catch n catch, we have all played these games when we were younger but today it's gonna have a twist in the game... so let's read...

Mellow and Mike were best friends they were buddies for life except they both had different perspectives for each and everything... this lead them to several fights. one day it was PET class and we all were in for the lock and key game... mellow was not a good runner whereas Mike was as fast as the wind... obviously, mellow got locked by Sarah one of their classmates. Mike was there for the rescue... he unlocked mellow and the game was over... they then had to walk to their classes. Mike and Mellow held their hands as they walked along the pathway. talking and reflecting on how stupid they were acting for different perspectives... they kept saying silly me, while they giggled together... well, sometimes life seems the same somethings are meant to be together just like a lock and key...

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