

politics dictates all.Politics dictates the world.
Hello my name is gorgeous a 13 year old who's writing this book.My first book.Just three years ago I dont think I fully understood this saying politics dictates all.Politics dictates the world.Ive always been looked at as the girl who everyone hates.Do you know that people made fun of me by saying I had lice because I had curly hair.Ive always been hated because I am apart of the minority and honestly the majority hates the minority.Have you ever been to department of social services seeing your mother cry because you have to put your kids in a environment where everyone there treats you like the minority.I don't think I've ever not seen my mother come out crying because they want to take everything away from us.All of these representatives say they care about the minority but they really don't.Did you know that in march there were 60,923 homeless people in nyc.This is one example of politics dictates all.Politics dictates the world.Well this story is my life story.I was 90 percent deaf until I was 5.However I was still in this system that underestimates kids until I was eight.Honestly they had no reason rot except special education teachers get paid extra for each kid they teach.Now in politics theres power and abuse of power.This one example in my life is abuse of power.No tearcher,principal listened to a kid who they thought was lieing because they decided to put blind faith in a horibal system.Another horibal system is resource room.Resource room is basically the same thing as special education except resource room is a hour.In special education you get a individual education plan which is a meeting where they say your not ready to get out of special education no matter who the child is.In America your supposed to be a individual.it's hard to be a individual when your labeled as retarded no one looks at you as a person just a retard.Whenever people underestimate you it makes you insecure.Now I'm going to share with you a scary statistic children with disabilities are three times more likely to become a victim of sexual abuse.Honestly in my opinion special education is just setting up children for disaster.I was in special education.I was sexually abused.When i told the detectives what happened that it was a merical I wasn't raped they talked to him of course he lied to save himself.They said that they believed me however there was nothing they could do.They let a guilty man walk free.This is politics. politics dictates all.Politics dictates the world.How about in politics no one cares about the people.When I was going through a really dark time.No one cared accept my family who supports me no matter what.Also a teacher named mr Greene who pulled me out of a dark time.Honestly without him as my teacher this year I would probably be in jail right now.