

The legend
Waking up to the news of Irfan Sir's admittance to the hospital as his health was deteriorating. To be honest, that didn't surprise me since he had been unwell since a year. I thought maybe he was weak. And I told myself " he is in the hands of good doctors and he is going to be alright. God is with him".
An hour passed and I was witnessing the news of his untimely demise. I was shocked.
Even though he has in his pocket only less than 100 films, he has already gained world wide respect and love.
There are lots of people in our life who can influence us in many ways. These people need not be our friends or families or anyone on our associates. They can be outsiders as well. I don't know him personally. I know him only through movies and interviews. But still his influence on my life is remarkable. He has taught us many things such as not to put full stop in life when it takes you to many turns; not to stop dreaming about future; not to blame life for what it has done, instead accept it and live it like an ace." He has still led a humble life even after becoming globally known. And he showed the world what it is likely to be from rags to riches by pure talent. He is the example of people who find positives in negative times. It is our honour to live in his era.
There might come another khan . But there can never be another Irrfan khan. You will be forever in our memories sir. May God give strength to his family.