

My Cenderella ep 6 " Meet at sunset *
The sound of the music was apparent in the restaurant where Fadi, ‏Malak and Ola were sitting ‎.. ‏So Fadi put the cup of juice, ‏saying gladly: ‏What are we going to do with them? ‏Malak said calmly: ‏I do not know, ‏Fadi ‎... ‏but we have to help them ‎.. ‏Ola said sharply: ‏He should not have missed the appointment ‎.. ‏He breaks the date ‎.. ‏Fadi said strangely: ‏Is it worth all this ‎?? ‏He actually apologized to her and he did not mean that ‎.. ‏She said childishly: ‏Ha ‎.. ‏it is worth you do not understand how girls feel when disappointed ‎.. ‏And do not forget that he was the first young man she met ‎.. ‏so it affected her a lot ‎...Ola ‏said thinking: ‏Mmmm, ‏so we think about something ‎.. ‏So Fadi said quickly: ‏Why do we not let them meet in a beautiful place to relieve tension between them ‎.. ‏Then they looked at each other and said in one voice: ‏At sunset ‎... ‏and Fadi smiled at them ‎... ‏Then he looked at an ‎Malak ‎. .. ‏His eyes shone with love ‎... ‏and she looked at him and lowered her head in shame and smiled.

‏Rebecca was walking to her house, ‏saying to herself: ‏Maybe this is better for both of us ‎.. ‏but I would really like to be with him ‎.. ‏and she entered the house ‎.. ‏and her mother watched her calmly saying: ‏Welcome my little girl ‎.. ‏Did something new happen? .. ‏So Rebecca smiled, ‏saying: ‏It is Nothing is over, ‏mom. "And she laughed, ‏fake" ‏I am hungry, ‏mom ‎.. ‏her mother said with joy: ‏The food is ready ‎.. ‏Change your clothes, ‏come on ‎..‏

‏At the same time, ‏he knocked on the door of my room and said while I was lying on the bed: ‏Go in ‎.. ‏Then Fadi entered and said cheerfully: ‏still in your bed, ‏O Prince. ‏.What is this laziness? ‏. ‏Come on, ‏get up ‎... ‏I adjusted my sitting, ‏saying: ‏Hi Fadi ‎..." ‏and he sat on the bed ‎" .. ‏There is a new from Rebecca ‎.. ?? ‏He cunningly said: ‏We will meet you ‎... ‏and when you talk, ‏this simple disagreement will end ‎.. ‏So I went to the window with reflection, ‏saying: ‏I am afraid that it is over for her ‎.. ‏He stood behind me cheerfully saying: ‏Do not say this ‎.. ‏that the girls are always spoiled ‎.. ‏I agreed with the girls on the place And time ‎.. ‏then turned to him, ‏saying anxiously: ‏Where and when? .. ‏He laughed, ‏saying: ‏I was waiting for this eagerness for you ‎.. ‏Tomorrow at the river bridge ‎.. ‏At sunset ‎.. ‏I said sharply: ‏This will not work ‎.. ‏Tomorrow they will go on a trip with that young man. ‏Samer ‎...he ‏put his hand on my shoulder, ‏saying with confidence: ‏We have prepared everything ‎.. ‏So, ‏be on the date ‎... ‏so I called him and went back to look outside the window.‏

‏Evening came. ‏Rebecca was sitting in her room, ‏absent-mindedly, ‏and she looked at the mirror saying to herself: ‏What do I do? ”And she pictured my face,“ ‏I want to talk to you ‎... ”and continued sadly,“ ‏Did I have to give him another chance? .. ‏Maybe he didn’t really mean ‎.. ‏This degree entered my heart? .. ‏How much I miss him ‎.. ‏And when she kept her times away, ‏knocking on the door, ‏she calmly said: ‏Who? .. ‏Suzanne said: ‏Rebecca Malak on the phone ‎.. ‏She said calmly: ‏I will answer from my room ‎.. "And she picked up," ‏Hello, ‏Malak. ‏I'm ready for tomorrow. " ‏E ‎.. ‏River Bridge, ‏why? .. ‏Malak said sharply: ‏I want to tell you about Fadi and what he has done ‎.. ‏How angry I am now ‎.. ‏so I want a place to calm my nerves ‎.. ‏Rebecca laughed, ‏saying quietly: ‏Well, ‏calm down ‎.. ‏We will talk tomorrow. ‏Goodbye ‎.. ‏Then she lay down on the bed and hugged her doll, ‏then fell asleep‏.

‏The sun shone ‎... ‏Ola and Malak were wearing beautiful sports clothes ‎.. ‏They were with Samer, ‏who packs things in the car..Ola happily said: ‏Here come Rebecca and Sally too ‎.. ‏and Samer felling huppy when he see her ‎.. ‏He said while closing the back door of the car: ‏Time for fun ‎.. ‏I was watching them behind the wall ‎.. ‏and I looked at Rebecca talking and laughing, ‏so she smiled, ‏saying to myself: ‏It is good to see you happy ‎.. ‏Then I quietly left without anyone noticing ‎..‏

‏In a beautiful grassy area ‎.. ‏they began to take out the tools and Rebecca was carrying something heavy, ‏so Samer ran to her, ‏saying gently: ‏leave it to me ‎.. ‏and Sally looked at them and felt very jealous ‎.. ‏Samer lit the coal, ‏saying: ‏I will roast you the best meat ‎.. ‏and they laughed at the sight of him kissing his muscles. ‏Sally ran to him to help him. ‏

‏I watched them from behind a big tree on the hill. ‏I said anxiously, ‏watching her laughs: ‏It seems that she does not think of me, ‏Fadi ‎.. ‏Will your plan succeed? ‏He smiled as he approached me: ‏Do not lose hope ‎.. ‏I am sure that she thinks about you ‎.. ‏But she is hiding the matter ‎.. ‏Come sit far away so that she does not see you..I looked at her with great seriousness and longing ‎...‏

‏Rebecca looked at our place and did not see anyone. ‏Ola said: ‏What is the matter? .. ‏She said with a smile: ‏Nothing ‎.. ‏Then Samer came carrying the meat and said: ‏The king came, ‏he came ‎... ‏and laughed at his behavior..

‏We were sitting on the grass and I was picking it up nervously, ‏and Fadi laughed, ‏saying: ‏I do not expect that one day you will get nervous about something ‎... ‏you ‏did not get nervous about the issue of the ruling itself..I looked seriously at him, ‏saying: ‏I am afraid to lose her, ‏Fadi, ‏I do not want that, ‏and ‎"turned my face sharply" ‏and I do not know what her reaction will be when she knows that I lied to her about my truth. ‏Fadi breathed, ‏seriously, ‏saying: ‏Try to tell her the truth as soon as possible..so that you do not lose ‎her, ‏my friend..I tightened my fist firmly ‎... ‏and Fadi continued cheerfully: ‏Come on, ‏rejoice. ‏The date is approaching ‎.. ‏Come with me ‎.. ‏and leave then follow it ‎..‏

‏Evening fell, ‏and Rebecca walked near the bridge looking around her, ‏saying, ‏strangely,: ‏Where is ‎Malak? .. ‏What is the moo ‎.... ‏She stopped talking in surprise when he saw me waiting for her in the middle of the bridge ‎.. ‏and smiled at her ‎.. ‏She said surprised: ‏A ‎.. ‏. ‎. ?Alster ‎?? ..And her head down sadly and she approached me calmly and when she stopped beside me she looked at the river ‎.. ‏and looked at her sadly, ‏saying while I was also looking at the river: ‏Rebecca? .. ‏Do you want to forget me? ‏And surprises, ‏and she looked at me, ‏her eyes full of tears ‎.. ‏I looked at her and surprised her tears, ‏saying with eagerness:: ‏Rebecca? ‏Why are you crying ‎?? ?? ‏She said bitterly, "No" ‏and surprises, "I do not want to forget you..I never could ‎.. ‏Your picture always came in front of me ‎.. ‏I missed you for the tunic ‎... ‏and I held my tears for coming down and could not bear it saying: ‏Forgive me" ‏and I held her hand and pulled it to my chest strongly ‎"I can not leave you ‎.. ‏I broke my promise to you not to make you cry ‎.. ‏Forgive me ‎.. ‏Let us start again ‎.. ‏She closed her eyes smiling and grabbed my shirt from the back, ‏saying kindly: ‏I forgive you ‎.. ‏and start again ‎.. ‏I ‏tightened her to me with strength and longing..and Fadi smiled and then left ‎...‏

‏An angel said narrowly: ‏I wish Fadi was with us..I feel upset that I am happy without him..and smiled Ola as she looked at Fadi who was smiling behind ‎Malak..and he said kindly: ‏I am happy for your happiness, ‏my dear ‎... ‏so she turned to him quickly and eagerly, ‏saying as she ran to him And he embraced him, "fadiiii" ‏he said, ‏looking at Ola, "The mission was completed successfully ‎... ‏and you both smiled with joy for that."‏

‏We were walking with her eyes closed with my hand saying: ‏Do not open them now ‎.. ‏We approached ‎.. ‏When we arrived, ‏I ‏smiled, ‏saying, ‏removing my hands: ‏Look ‎... ‏and astonished the view in front of her ‎.. ‏a field of lilies that shine with the sunset ‎.. ‏moving with the gentle breeze of air ‎.. ‏She looked at me quickly and said with a smile: ‏I want to continue my day with you ‎.. ‏I grabbed her hand and entered the field ‎.. ‏She said happily while we were sitting and around us the flowers: ‏I never saw their appearance like this. ‏I ‏picked up a flower and put it on her hair, ‏saying lovingly: ‏There is something more beautiful ‎.. ‏So she smiled shyly ‎.. ‏I looked at her slowly and surprises ‏and kissed her on her forehead, ‏saying with love: ‏I will love you forever ‎... ‏and I will do the impossible to stay together ‎... ‏and she looked into my serious eyes shyly, ‏saying: ‏I love you ‎... ‏the concealer ‎... ‏and rejoiced when I heard that from her ‎.. ‏and put her head on my chest calmly We watched the sunset together ‎...‏

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