

The darkside of the mind crimes- Dirty beggar part 7
Dear diary.

This was a grim day.. I have been in the office since the early hours of today.. I am so exhausted.. Death is looming everywhere.. I sorted out my admin for this case.. And then my boss and the chief arrived just after 5 am..

I was a bit under the grindstone.. They had received messages.. A package just like mine.. To be honest this is really madness. I confessed to what happend and yeah I was regretting it the moment I confessed.

I now have an entire taskforce.. Execpt they aren't helping me on the case but they are gaurding me from the case...
I might be moved soon to a safe house.. One of the things I didn't want. Even the chief and my boss made preposterous requests in doing the same with their families too..

I feel that the killer is messing with us he is pushing us into fear and uncertainty so that it becomes harder to solve the case.. I had to surrender my package to the chief. It was sent to a special departmet.. I would have done it too. Just for safety that there is no booby traps to kill us.. And these guys know how to handle evidence . Hopefully we get a hair or print or something to catch this guy..

We are kept up to speed with stuff though, but as I said death loomed everywhere.. The killer is getting cockier.. We have found 3 kills of him today... And they where grim..

First a boy was laying in an alley way.. Well, lets say in what part of the alley didn't he lay.. He was cut up with only and the biggest part was his chest that was placed on a trash bag and his sign.. I will get to it now..

The second body wasn't as vivid as the boy's body was. Everything is normal pretty much.. Execpt the guy was decapitated. He was placed on a stoop of a café sitting against the wall like a beggar would and had his tin out and sign.. But the waiter phoned 911 asap. He was tasked to ask the gentleman not to beggar move. He explained as he spoke to him and felt sorry for the guy and didn't really want to chase him.. He went to get him some bread especially when he saw the inspiring words on the sign and it seemed like he was peacefully sleeping, but horror ensued when the waiter followed his head and offered him the bread as an apology. He shook the guy to wake him up his head came off and rolled away.. Poor guy..

The third body was terrible... It seemed like the hunter got disturbed during the hunt. He left the corpse hanging.. the was blood everywhere.. This is probably showing us how he does it.. So sick.. Alot of knives laid around... She was also found in a shed of a guy.. The poor guy was in shock to see it as he wanted to fetch a snow shovel this morning...

The signs were so dark and bleak very somber.. The boy's read: Life keeps on falling apart. Doomed from the start and doomed till the end. All that remains is scattered bits and pieces of one and one's heart and like keeps running you down... I am free of this burden now..

The second one said: See how I blend in and no one misses me? See the beauty of my words and yet my plea is ignored? Live with yourself and your caged way of life for I am free..

His sign was beautiful though.. It said to have a beautiful day even when life is though move on. I love life and thanks for anything.. I bet this was part 2 from the killer to let some like the waiter pitty him.. Very stylish way to go I think... This killer has some nerve..

The third said: I hid under bridges.. break into places like these just to get warm... I am suffering and no one cared. I am betrayed and my search for safety was my doom.. But I am free now......

I am very shocked myself.. I wish I had answers.. I am still stuck in uncertainties.. Wish me good luck....

© The cube said it