

Empyrean Rising - "Planet Narcissisium"
While "Beginning" was pondering in the Nucleus, "What to do next with the "Earthings?" Xenon, the ruler of planet "Narcissisum" was commanding his "comenuts" to set up meetings with all of the Low Vibrating Planet (LVP) Leechers, immediately! Xenon did not like to wait for anyone or anything! Actually, as far as Xenon was concerned the entire universe should always revolve around Xenon! The commander of the cumnuts came rushing into the chamber. "Xenon ruler of planet narcissisium! We have been unable to gather all of the LVP'S Sire! As we speak there is a catastrophically altering galactic event taking place as we speak!"

All beings representatives are being teleported to Nucleus! Our beloved Beginning has called a meeting of the "Entirety" we have no choice! Xenon loathed being told what to do. NOT being the center of attention was never acceptable to Xenon, after all he was narcissism personified, at his inception he had demanded to be given his own galaxy! How dare Beginning call a meeting when he, Xenon himself was having a crisis of his own! Beginning was so selfish! Didn't he understand how important Xenon was? I must figure out a way to take over Nucleus, I should have been chosen to run it all and I will! Xenon smiled wickedly at the thought of overruling all of Creations as he was instantly teleported to Nucleus.
© MsRose