

Dahlia's Hold On The Bad Boy💖
Dahlia is a feisty girl, who sees Clayton and likes him immediately when he comes for a visit to the small town of Summerset Ridge to visit his grandmother.

He's a cocky bastard though and she gets the feeling that his intentions are not very honourable towards her. But she's up to the challenge.

After all, she's no ordinary girl, she's actually Summerset Ridge reigning beauty. And we all know that small town beauties make legends.

1)❇️First Impression❇️

Walking up the pathway to the familiar house that she's been visiting since she was a child, Dahlia skipped the last few metres, bursting the gum in her mouth that she's been chewing for the past hour as she trails the stick behind her that she had found earlier as she went along.

She was on her way home from where she works down at the  little family owned diner that belongs to her mom and pop on Summerdale Avenue.

She had become friends with the little old lady who lives at the sprawling mansion some years ago after she caught her stealing grapes that were growing in her vineyards.

Of course she knows it's stealing but she's the type of person that can come up with an excuse to justify every behaviour.

Her excuse for stealing the grapes, as what she told the woman, was that how was she supposed to know they belonged to her, it's not like her name was written on any of them.

When she was told that though her name wasn't written on any of them, they were in fact growing in her backyard. 

To which Danlia answered that she needed to be more careful with her things, and if she wanted people to know, she should make sure that her name was where it can be seen, and because it's her property doesn't mean they have to be her grapes.

The woman had looked first shocked then laughed at her words and asked her if she would like to come in for some lemonade. She had declined saying her parents had warned her against strangers and though she was a little old lady doesn't mean she can't be murdering people. It's not hard because she had watched it on the internet where all that was needed was to poison their drink after inviting them in. So yeah, she's gonna be heading home, especially since she has a grudge against her because she was eating the grapes on her property, so she already had motive.

Dahlia had skipped her way home that day and was surprised when her mother called her in and asked her why Mrs. Thornton was calling her and telling her that she was on her property stealing her grapes.

She couldn't believe that the little old lady would rat her out to her mom just for taking two grapes, ok so it wasn't two grapes but still, they were only grapes is what she told her mom, after which she asked, it's only grapes but are they your grapes? to which she then had to answer no, or else her mom would wail on her ass if she continued behaving stubborn.

She had been told that for the next month she should go to Mrs. Thornton mansion everyday on the weekend and help her with her grapes since she loved being on other people's property so much. 

To which Dahlia had pouted and stomped saying she's not going because she always meet up with her friends on the weekend.  But then had to run up the stairs fast after her mom came at her with the kitchen spoon for talking back.

Dahlia had pouted for the rest of the day and straight into the weekend when she had to go help Mrs. Thornton.

Before going that first weekend Dahlia had decided that she hated the old woman and would just go, do what she's supposed to, and leave. 

But found that for some reason and against her will, she had started liking the old woman especially after she told her that she could eat as many grapes as she wanted as long as she helped her to care for them.

That happened when she was thirteen, and Dahlia had continued going back after that first month ended and has been going ever since for the past five years, both of them forming a comfortable friendship that saw Dahlia visiting Mrs. Thornton almost everyday.

On reaching the driveway, Dahlia saw a strange but very expensive looking vehicle parked in front of the house and her curiosity was peaked.

In all the time she had known Mrs. Thornton, she had only once seen her have a visitor and that was an elderly gentleman about two years ago.

She's never seen the woman with other family members, only her in her great big mansion alone, way out by itself over at the top of the hill. And had kind of made it her mission to keep the older woman company.

She's heard of older people dying all by themselves and nobody finding them for months even years and had decided though Mrs. Thornton didn't look like she was about to drop down dead anytime soon, it could happen anyways, so she wanted to keep tabs on her friend.

Running up the porch stairs to the door Dahlia pushed it open as she called out, "Mrs. Thornton?" Stepping into the foyer she heads towards the kitchen because she knows that is her most favourite place in the house and that is where she most likely will be.

"Oh Dahlia dear you're here already. How was your day, how is your mother and father?" She beamed up at the young woman, coming into the kitchen from the back of the house with a few home grown vegetables in a small dish.

Heading over to the sink she threw them in and turned the water on them.

Looking back through the front kitchen window onto the expensive vehicle parked there, Dahlia sat on one of the high stools at the kitchen counter.

Turning back her attention towards Mrs. Thornton Dahlia answered, "Oh they're good," she said giving a little smile with her big blue eyes shining, staring intently at what Mrs. Thornton was doing, "Pop is driving mom up the wall as usual with his shinanigans, as mom calls it, so they're ok." 

Popping the gum, she looked up at the woman trying hard not to ask her; so who does the vehicle belong to that's parked outside?

But she decided to wait on the right timing, cause she's always been told that her curiosity will one day get her in trouble. But then she figured that if it hadn't killed her yet maybe today would also be a good day to be nosy.

"So...," She started, stopping because she heard footsteps coming into the kitchen from upstairs and turned, her curiosity evident, wanting to see who the person was who was coming towards them. 

And immediately saw a young man enter, looking at her sitting there, only a fleeting look of surprise in his moss green eyes before it was replaced with a hard stare as he looked her over in the space of a second, his lips forming into a thin line as he looked over at the older woman busy at the sink as he came to rest his hand on the counter not far from where Dahlia was.

Turning back towards the counter, Dahlia was surprisingly feeling flustered at the new arrival especially since she had felt his heated stare a minute ago and had seen an instant look of interest that was evident in the short time he held her gaze. Why surprised? because the stare's had never affected her before.

"Grandmother, I told you that you don't have to make me anything. I am not here to give you any more work than you normally would do," he stated with a frown.

"Then stop fussing because I obviously would make dinner for me and Dahlia before you arrived," she shushed, waving at him and giving a light chuckle at her grandson who was frowning down at her, as she turns, back to washing and peeling the vegetables.

Dahlia who was sitting there like a statue felt his gaze on the side of her face at the mention of her name. And for the first time in her life she wasn't feeling as brave as she normally does.

In fact she was feeling so flustered that she was sure he could see the red coating her cheeks, hoping it wasn't actually evident on her whole face as she was guessing it was, as his eyes seem to bore straight into her not wavering for even a second, a smile appearing across his lips slowly at her obvious avoidance at looking in his direction.

And for the first time Dahlia felt exposed in the presence of someone else.
♾️Thank you for reading. Please check out the other parts of the story on Wattpad.💯

username:::: redcloverr

#badboy #badgirl #romance #wattpad #millionaire #love