

Battling with the devil himself..😈
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.

oh my god!

I thought, why is it always me who have to work extra hard to get things done? why my younger brother is so fortunate that he's already got a scholarship and started studying in Canada! why do I have to work extra jobs to reach my American dream!???!

Maybe because my parents are earning just enough to make two ends meet for themselves.

I'm not their top priority!

Earth to my thoughts dammit!!!

where do I go from here now?

OMG, I'm sweating like an athlete who just completed 10k run!!!

It's dark everywhere. There's no light.

Why can't I find light, it's the fucking end of that goddamn tunnel ?!?! Rain check

Why isn't there any nurse staff at this deadly hour, why every person hates their job so much?!?! rain check

Why isn't there any emergency exit here, dear lord this place is worst than the demonic hell,.......
.......which leads me to my question

if this is the hell, where is the devil himself??

Stupid rain check .ugh.

I just forgot he was darkness in disguise!

OMG he'll kill me!!

what have I done, other than forget to pay his money!

for God's sake, economy is slow due to this current corona fucking peanut virus lockdown, can't his peanut sized head understand this?

I'm BTW a simple nurse! not some arrogant CEO who can pay him whenever and whatever he wants!!!

OMG, what if he has a gun this time???




Was that?????

a gun shot??



way......... Goddamnit

As I felt some alcoholic breathes on the back of my neck, I slowly turned around, and there he was, standing in all his glory, smirking at me, like he knew already I'd have no place to go!!!

I heard my subconscious muttering : hell is empty and all the devils are here. rain fucking check.

I said, "what do you want bastard?, I told you I'll pay you back once I get my salary after this bloody lockdown, can't that information go into your thick skull ???"

His smirk vanished.

His eyes became so livid you can see lava there.

He held my wrists tightly and pulled me closer so that our faces were only inches apart.

And then with his alcoholic breath he said : " As you are paying back after the due date, oh sweetheart, what are you going to pay for interest? "

I asked confused, "what do you mean? "

He raised an eyebrow and said, " I want something during the time you're not able to pay me back. "

I asked, "what do you want? " not understanding where this is going .

He smiled, and said, "I want you".

oh you mindfuck. just fuck off. you fuckinnnn piece of sleazy shit.

I tried to push him away, but he was the leader of the Italian mafia, strong and muscular and young. who was I kidding!!!

He pinned me to the wall, and with his one hand pinned my both hands above my head and his other hand was on the nape of my neck.

I was breathing so rapidly. oh my freaking hormones. why are y'all always high. I know he's the most handsome son of a bitch. but we're stuck at a freaking problem of life and death, you nuggets!!! Concentrate here.

on the contrary, he was so clam watching me take every breath, moving his eyes leisurely from my eyes to my lips to my breasts.....

And in this second, I lost it.

I shouted, "Eyes up here, mister. "

His green orbs looked straight at me and he said " feisty Huh? I like it! " and then that son of a bitch winked at me with his green eyes in whom I was lost.......

they were hypnotizing me.....

I cleared my throat to remove all those thoughts.... of him.

and then I said firmly and calmly, "tell me what do you want. "

He smirked and said, "it's simple, sweetcheeks, I want you. "

I asked, "what do you mean ?"

He smirked again and said, "You've to work for me until you're able to pay me back. "

I thought thoroughly and decided it'd be better to work for him for a while than to be killed and crush my dreams!!

so I said, "okay, when do you want me to start? "

he smiled genuinely and said, "good girl. my driver will come to your apartment tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock, be ready. "

my subconscious fired back, it's. midnight dumbass, can't a poor girl have some sleep?!?!

I nodded my head annoyingly, and said "okay. "

He pecked me on my cheeks and left.

I was just standing there stunned!

will continue later. xoxo. loves.