

I really wanted to be different. Different from who I was and where I came from. My starting was rough. I left my comfort zone. I struggled through the name tagging. My bed was the hard ground. My cushion was wood. My night were for a few hours. My day usually began at 4am early, while my night began at 11 p.m.
I trusted them, they took advantage of me. I stopped trusting they called me names.
I started doing well and climbing up the ladder of fame and popularity and, boom!!! connived and pushed the ladder away. I crashed like a pack of cards...
Here I am still lying on that ground, with no one to talk to and nothing to hold onto. No strength, No hope.
I thought I was and will be different. Instead, I am worse than my starting point.
I am lying, patiently waiting as life ebb out of me. I can't wait to be over and done with this world...
© Godsfavour Abaku