

After the storm
It was the year 2055 -the era of globalization. Everything was different.

Technology took over the world faster than an airborne disease could spread. Blinding glass skyscrapers replaced trees in cities. Birds found themselves sharing the sky with flying cars. The air we breathed was a choking hazard, and the water radiated with bacteria and chemicals. Global warming left animals homeless and led to infinite deaths and extinctions.Mother Earth. We drained the life out of her.


The earth had trouble seeing the good in us humans. So, she sent a storm, a defence mechanism to retrieve what was once hers.


Rumbling clouds covered the sky and released its downpour of tears, followed by an avalanche of icy pellets. Tornadoes rushed and destroyed everything in its path while ear-splitting thunderbolts lit buildings on fire. It was a natural disaster. The high-pitched screams and horrified faces were the last straw. They evacuated those who survived and took them far away.


After the storm, everything was different. The highest Oaks had grown, and the air was pure. Verdant valleys were full of wildlife, and the rivers were crystal clear. Mother Earth was her natural self again. The storm was just the warning shot, but next time it is a bullet to the head.


Humans are the earth’s greatest threat!
