

Happy Birthday, My Mademoiselle
“Happy birthday to my second mom in this world, my sister.”
~ Zoë Kaià

Happy birthday to my inay, my mademoiselle, my sister, thank you so much for everything that you've done for this family, no words can express how lucky I am to have you as my sister, ever since our mom passed away you've become my second mom since then, thank you will never be enough to express my gratitude, I know for a fact that you are tired already but you aren't giving up, how brave you are, thank you for giving me whatever I want, you've become a woman who is so strong that even though you have bruises already you would gonna still say that you're okay, this family, your friends, and your boyfriend are lucky to have you.

I know that you're going to be a great mother someday, and when that time comes your child will be the luckiest to have you as his/her mom, I'm sure they are amazing because they are your children, and of course, you are the mother, you've grown up as a mature woman and I am so proud of you, beyond proud, my love, remember that I am always here for you, I am your number one cheerer in everything, even though I have been stubborn so many times and we fight together, you still love me the same, I wasn't a perfect sister to you, we had a lot of misunderstanding before, thank you for the endless patience for me.

Through the years, you've grown into an independent woman, you've given so much love to others, and you're so strong that even in the strongest calamity, you can't be disturbed, and it is your greatest ability, the one who will stand up in the middle of the storm, you are so strong that I envy you so many times, and I tell myself, “How did she do that?”, A happy 24th birthday, more birthdays to come, take care of yourself always and I love you so much my mademoiselle that even though you have a husband I will still call you that.

© SparklesZoe ✨️