

I'm trying.
It's hard to forget the way she made me feel.
I'm hurting right now, it's really hard to cope with this shit whenever you've always got her in the back of your mind. I just want to feel something again. That's all I want.
Was this all my fault?

Maybe you were too...needy, or maybe your intentions got mixed up. Maybe you just didnt make her happy anymore. What did you do wrong? God knows, but all you know is your on the verge of losing your mind cause you just want to feel someones love again.
Maybe you deserve this. You were the happiest person in the world, but you couldnt see through your own selfish ways, paid more attention to the love that was being shown to you, and let it slip out of your fingers.
Or maybe it's not your fault.
And that's the thought that pisses you off.
You tried your best to salvage what you could, and she gave up.
She let her feelings fall for another.
Because he was there when you couldn't be.
Open your fucking eyes.
You weren't good enough.
You weren't available.
You weren't worth the wait.
Now, she probably hates your guts.
She probably wants you dead.
She doesnt even think of you anymore.
You're still grieving over something you lost a long time ago, while shes already over you.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Part of you wants to crawl back and beg to her...the other wants to hate her. Make up your mind.