

Destiny Part(I)
A girl namely Noof was about to join her college. On the first day of college she was getting ready and talking to herself
Noof: "Aaarghhh!!. Why on the earth I've to join this college today I just want some rest (despite she had rest for about two months😒).
After getting ready she left for college. On the road a car which was speeding spilled mud over her uniform. She screamed and shouted and threw a stone on the car. It broke the car window(Oops!)
A smart and tall muscular boy came out in rage.
He asked her : "Did you lost your mind?"
She replied :"You messed with my new uniform "
The boy left without saying sorry. She was filled with anger
When she reached college everyone was laughing at her . Her friend came and asked about the matter. She explained each and everything in detail. They were heading to class she accidentally bumped into a boy.....