

That's me.
When I was in the 5th standard we all were waiting for the teacher to come into the class because a few moments ago the last period had got over" So in that while the topper from my class stand up and it was a new session beginning after the final exams and she made it to the top and she said. Ali, he is a Muslim you should beat him and she literally enforced every fellow student who were presented there at that time and I was beaten and slapped by 14 of my own classmates that day. My mother straightaway on the next day went to the principal and the punishment for the whole class was" They all were standing and I was sitting and I didn't talk about this incident a lot, because of the thick mindsets that we have in the subcontinent, but I have learnt a very precious lesson that" It's not the kids but the so-called elders and I am saying so-called because, if you think by only sending your children to school your duty is over" More than duty there is your role and that's why. I have no feelings where I keep myself around a point of view where I don't see an individual with their religion instead I first look at their personality and that's why. In most of my writings, you find that, I am not a Nationalist but rather I am someone who believes in making a contribution and you don't need to be a flag bearer for it, and the same in education" I have never claimed a Degree is nothing but how much irritating does it sound" They judge you through your papers and some people only look at you and say. You have something and they are a rare breed remember. Education is a learning curve and if you only concentrate on your improvement then you won't only find success, but you would also lead yourself to the mindset.