

Bring a rose 🌹
I can see the yellowing leaves of the ferns and air brings up the scent of blooming roses to my nostrils. I love the feel of the light wind that softly ruffles my hair, bittersweet memorThe sun is starting to rise, the sky is adorned with golden blood-red rays. Where I stand on the porch memories start to flash in my mind.

I remember the olden days without reproach, I visualise every second we spent together and I smile to myself, I know my health is failing me and my febble body will soon be lying in a white coffin though I don't dare hope people would be crying for me.

Feeling daring, I hold a mirror in front of my face, an undesired stranger stare back at me, I watch the faint gray streaks in my once gingerbrown hair, my eyes that had always been smiling and dancing with excitement has grown ugly crow feet, my nose is wrinkled, my face is crumpled and my whole skin is shrivelled.

It's been decades; you're probably in a wheelchair or walking on a cane. But there's only one thing I regret after all these years: to not have told you how I had grown a fondness for you back then. All the unintentional intimate moments seemed to intensify my feelings for you, and I feared that if I told you, you would reject me and I'd loose you.
Either way I lost you.
Choices drove us apart, fear won over the amourous feelings we had, hence we stayed friends. And I wonder what would've happened if we had made a different choice then.
I wish I could see you one last time, though that's impossible. Did you find a special woman? Did you marry? Did you have children?

You remained the special person in my life, I didn't get married and I didn't stay innocent.
This is the second day at my house, I have been in a nursing home for years, nobody visited and I didn't expect anyone to. I have been always excited and wandering too much to have a family or stable friends.
I got tired of lifeless old population in the nursery so I came back. I got your short note, telling not find you, and I didn't, instead I bought a house in a village in a very remote island. which I'm fortunately calling a home in my last days.
I am dying and I know it, life is one mean bitch, the sun is now drenching in the sky majestically and I think that right at this moment, if i got to hug you tight, I would rest in peace.
I had thought I would meet you in heaven then realized that I don't deserve that too.

If I could I go back in time, I would tell you that I loved you, I would have chose a future that included you. I got carried away; money, fame and lust felt so good, now I am ending up dying alone.
I lost track of people I loved, friends, parents and you.
I am dying- indeed- alone. When you find this paper I'll probably be rotting in a cemetery somewhere I don't know.
I have one last plea, please search for my grave, and when you visit it, bring a rose. that's my last, last request. Be well

For ... Him.